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Suggestion #19: EMS all terrain stretcher could not have gone in all way. It would have been a tough pack; Pincher SAR's would have been better.

Committee handling: unassigned
Value to PCSAR mandate: low
Difficulty to implement: not rated

Re: Table Mtn.

The stretcher actually could have been taken all the way. It's critical to get a backboard into situations like this. May need to send a hasty team ahead of the stretcher.

Reviewed at 2010-11-16 Preplan meeting.

Facts about Critiques/2010-08-24/Sug/0019RDF feed
Committee handling Suggestion/Committee/List/unassigned  +
Description EMS all terrain stretcher could not have gone in all way. It would have been a tough pack; Pincher SAR's would have been better.  +
Difficulty to implement not rated  +
Full page name Critiques/2010-08-24/Sug/0019  +
Sequence number 19  +
Suggestion list Critiques/2010-08-24  +
Value to PCSAR mandate low  +
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