2012-02-25 Search Manager Recertification


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The course is composed of ...
The course is composed of ...
This course is based on a provincial grant extension which has not yet been confirmed, but is considered likely. If funding is not extended the course will be canceled.
For more information see:
For more information see:

Revision as of 17:29, 10 January 2012

This page is based on the Event/Page template.

Use that template to make similar pages.



Include or link to the announcement for this event.

Pincher Creek SAR will be running a provincially funded Search Manager Recertification Course on Saturday-Sunday February 25-26, 2012.

All interested participants must have their $... (refundable) deposit in no later than ..., 2012. There is a course limit. It will fill on a first come first serve basis.

The course is composed of ...

For more information see:


or contact: Ron Hann <RGHConsulting@shaw.ca>


Event location, date, time and duration.


Purpose of the event or detailed agenda/schedule.


Record here who is interested in attending and indicate for each person whether they've been confirmed or declined, and attended/completed the event.

See interest list.


Include or link here any record of the event, such as brief description, rough notes, photos, media coverage.


Note any equipment used -- equipment sign-out sheets.


Note any budget, actual expenses. Attach receipts.

See 2010 grant.


Note any feedback received, measures of success. Attach any course evaluation forms.

To do

Record things that are yet to be done in preparation or conclusion of this event.

  • get course description (by Feb 13)
  • get maximum class size (by Feb 13)
  • finish drafting announcement (by Feb 13)
  • send out announcement (by Feb 13)
  • get instructor's costs
  • determine facility/equipment requirements
  • book facility & equipment
  • verify grant amount
  • determine grant requirements on class size
  • develop budget (facility, food, possibly mileage, accommodation)
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