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random sort of 3:
random sort of 3:
{{random number|3}}
{{random number|3|{{#expr:{{#time:z}}+0}}}}
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{{random number|3|{{#expr:{{#time:z}}+1}}}}
{{random number|3}}
{{random number|3|{{#expr:{{#time:z}}+2}}}}
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{{random number|3|{{#expr:{{#time:z}}+3}}}}
{{random number|3}}
{{random number|3|{{#expr:{{#time:z}}+4}}}}
{{random number|3}}
{{random number|3|{{#expr:{{#time:z}}+5}}}}
{{random number|3}}
{{random number|3|{{#expr:{{#time:z}}+6}}}}
{{random number|3}}
{{random number|3|{{#expr:{{#time:z}}+7}}}}
{{random number|3}}
{{random number|3|{{#expr:{{#time:z}}+8}}}}
{{random number|3|{{#expr:{{#time:z}}+9}}}}
{{random number|3|{{#expr:{{#time:z}}+10}}}}

Revision as of 21:18, 7 February 2013

random number: 40

random sort of 3: 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2

list of questions:

Question Answer
SAR Fundamentals/SAR Role/Question bank/1 Name 5 priorities in the order of the safety pyramid. * 1. self
  • 2. team
  • 3. bystanders
  • 4. subject
  • 5. equipment
SAR Fundamentals/SAR Role/Question bank/10 Name three categories of SAR skills. search, rescue, and survival/support skills
SAR Fundamentals/SAR Role/Question bank/11 Who determines what risk level you will work at during a search? Ultimately you will decide how far you are willing to go based on factors such as skill, fitness, present physical/environmental conditions and overall team ability. Overall safety for yourself, you team and the subject are always the primary concerns.
SAR Fundamentals/SAR Role/Question bank/12 Who are you working for during a search operation? The lost person/subject.
SAR Fundamentals/SAR Role/Question bank/13 What are the 3 types of searches and what area of government is responsible for each area? * Sea - federal
  • Air - federal
  • Ground - provincial
SAR Fundamentals/SAR Role/Question bank/14 Are SAR workers covered by WCB? Yes.
SAR Fundamentals/SAR Role/Question bank/15 Why is prevention a priority when dealing with SAR incidents? Prevention is much less costly in both funds & labour (volunteer), than searching / incident procedures / mobilization.
SAR Fundamentals/SAR Role/Question bank/16 Should a SAR group respond without being tasked? No, under most circumstances
SAR Fundamentals/SAR Role/Question bank/17 If a SAR incident happens in a national park, who normally responds? Park wardens
SAR Fundamentals/SAR Role/Question bank/2 What should a searcher consider with all decisions and actions? * Risk vs. Benefit
  • Safety
SAR Fundamentals/SAR Role/Question bank/3 Name the core elements of a SAR incident (LAST). * Locate
  • Access
  • Stabilize
  • Transport
SAR Fundamentals/SAR Role/Question bank/4 What qualities are looked for in a SAR worker? * Proficient
  • Humble
  • Able
  • Competent
  • Knowledgeable
  • Solicitous
SAR Fundamentals/SAR Role/Question bank/5 Name 3 skills required in SAR? * navigation
  • first aid
  • survival
  • communications
SAR Fundamentals/SAR Role/Question bank/6 What is the provincial SAR organization? SAR Alberta
SAR Fundamentals/SAR Role/Question bank/7 What is a tasking agency? Agency which has jurisdiction & responsibility for initiating and paying for a search.
SAR Fundamentals/SAR Role/Question bank/8 List at least three tasking agencies. * RCMP
  • city police
  • Parks Canada
SAR Fundamentals/SAR Role/Question bank/9 How long is the search manager course? 5 days

number of questions: 17

random question number: 3

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