SAR Fundamentals/Hazards


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== Subject ==
== Subject ==
{{prompt|What is this lesson plan about?}}
{{prompt|What is this lesson plan about?}}
This section is about knowing when to bring in specialized skills.
It builds on the understanding of hazards that the students have previously developed.
This section could potential by renamed "specialized skills".
== Authors ==
== Authors ==
{{prompt|List who wrote this lesson plan.}}
{{prompt|List who wrote this lesson plan.}}
Brett Wuth
== Scope ==
== Scope ==
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:* Ch.9 "Environmental Hazards in SAR"
:* Ch.9 "Environmental Hazards in SAR"
:* Ch.10 "Animal, Insect, Snake Hazards"
:* Ch.10 "Animal, Insect, Snake Hazards"
The above material is assigned readings. This lesson plan builds on it.
== Prerequisites ==
== Prerequisites ==
{{prompt|What should students already know/have accomplished before the lesson is presented.}}
{{prompt|What should students already know/have accomplished before the lesson is presented.}}
The students should already have completed the assigned reading.
== Objectives ==
== Objectives ==
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== Time Plan ==
== Time Plan ==
Total Time: ?? minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes
: usually assigned reading
: otherwise 0.5 hr
* Recognizing hazardous environments requiring special training/teams
** environments that put searchers at risks
*** slopes: rope rescue
*** swift water
*** avalanche
*** ice
*** severe weather
*** isolation
*** animal
** activities that aren't the best help for the subject
*** higher medical training
*** transport alternatives
{{lesson slides start}}
{{lesson slides start}}
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Present Objectives
Present Objectives
{{lesson slide|00:03|}}
{{lesson slide|00:03|}}
instructional points in normal font
'''Local Hazards'''
''aids, exercises, activities in italic''
''Lead a discussion of the hazards SAR workers might encounter in our area. Write on flip chart.'''
{{lesson slides end}}
== Aids ==
Some examples:
{{prompt|What materials are needed or useful in presenting this lesson.}}
* cliffs
* {{subpage|Restricted|Non-publishable material}}
* swift water
* avalanche
* ice
* extreme cold
* bears
* becoming isolated
== Question bank ==
{{lesson slide||}}
{{prompt|List of questions suitable for an review/exam of this section.}}
See {{subpage|Question bank}}
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
Which are hazards you'd have known about before leaving the CP?
{{prompt|What are some of the questions that students typically ask. Include the answers.}}
Q: How should you respond if you encounter a wolverine?
A: Wolverines are 9-25 kg, max 32.
Which are hazards you might only discover in the field?
They have been known to prey on animals as large as moose,
but more often are carrion eaters. Don't disturb its kill. Give it
a wide berth. If it's attacking you, presume it's prey behaviour and
fight back.
''Circle examples''
== Feedback ==
{{lesson slide||}}
{{prompt|When has this lesson been presented. What was the feedback.}}
== License ==
''For one or more of the examples, discuss what the risk could be with the hazard. Might have to make the example more concrete with specific details.''
{{prompt|What can others do with this lesson?}}
Recommended license below. Fill in the year and the author's name(s):
What are the worst case scenarios associated with the risk?
Copyright © YEAR, Author.
* Discomfort?
This work is licensed under a
* Damage to equipment?
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 Canada License.
* Injury?
To view a copy of this license, visit
* Death?
or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
== Reference Material ==
What is the likelihood of these consequences?
{{prompt|If you need to cite sources, do so here.}}
Risk = Impact x Probability
== Notes ==
{{lesson slide||}}
{{prompt|Any additional notes, etc.}}
The lecture portion should be about:
* recognizing when a hazard is beyond the SAR worker's training
* recognizing when a hazard is beyond the SAR worker's scope
* when is it okay to try more than your training
* specialty teams
* Recognizing hazardous environments requiring special training/teams
What are the consequences of not facing the hazard?
** environments that put searchers at risks
*** slopes: rope rescue
*** swift water
*** avalanche
*** ice
*** severe weather
*** isolation
*** animal
** activities that aren't the best help for the subject
*** higher medical training
*** transport alternatives
Not your emergency.
What are some of the hazards that we've identified?
A dead subject is no longer an emergency.
Risk vs. Benefit
For each, when does it become too hazardous?
{{lesson slide||}}
We need you to do the opposite of what your body is telling you to do.
Adrenaline poisoning
* fight or flight
Some of the specialized environment and associated problems that SAR team members may have to deal with include:
We need your brain to be working
* Mountain
* S - Stop
* Vertical rock
* T - Think
* Veritcal ice
* O - Observe
* Flat ice
* P - Plan
* Avalanche
* Crevasse
* Cave
* Mines
* Wells
* Haz. mat. dumps
* Urban/city
* Air shafts
* White water streams
* Coastal white water surf
* Flash floods
* Slow rising floods
* High winds
* Sea & lake
* Snow & blizzard
* Booby-trapped stills
* Confined spaces
* Trenches
1. Technical personnel should be used for technical rescue.
# The subject is protected
Who decides?
Both you and your supervisor can decide the risk is too high for the
Team in the field has the most detailed information
about the hazard.
In fast moving situations, the single greatest problem associated with the environment is that responders underestimate the power and threat of moving water.
Overhead team has big picture.
Talk to your Team Leader. Talk to the Command Post.
{{lesson slide||}}
the rigging components, such as anchors, ropes, and other system
''List the 4 categories''
equipment pose hazards. Accordingly, while it may indeed be possible
* Avoidance
for general ground teams to support a technical team, the general
** withdraw from the situation
ground team should observe all "no-walk" zones established by the
*** Don't send our team into an avalanche environment
technical team.
** remove the risk
*** Have the rancher move his buffalo to another field
* Reduction
** mitigate the risk
*** carry avalanche equipment
*** have avalanche tech assess and plan route
*** train in avalanche techniques
* Sharing
** ask someone else to do for us
*** bring in a speciality team, technician
*** Technical personnel should be used for technical rescue [Search and Rescue Fundamentals manual Page 99]
** insurance
*** WCB
* Retention - accept
** cross the river
This is a good general point about
''Have students give examples of each categories that bring out the sub strategies''
technical teams creating hazards for non-technical members.
{{lesson slide||}}
'''Risks to the Subject'''
Be aware that each type of terrain posses its own hazards.
* unsafe rescue techniques
* untrained medical interventions
** medications
{{lesson slide||}}
'''Risks to others'''
* A general ground team is prudent to err on the side of caution and advise base if they believe they have encountered a situation exceeds or approaches their training or authorization. Know your limitations and that of your team. A technical team should be used for technical rescue or recovery.
Most technical rescues
transform but do not eliminate the risk.
Move it to an area where there shouldn't be exposure.
Section is about specialized skills.
But having untrained people or bystanders around,
How to recognize they are needed.
they may be exposed to risk.
When to wait to bring them in.
When to use unrecognized skills.
When to try to improvise.
Not your emergency.
Rope rescue uses the ropes to reduce risk of falling,
but if there's an equipment failure people standing in
an otherwise safe area may get swept over the cliff.
Stay away unless specifically directed to help.
Scope of practice
{{lesson slide||}}
'''Risk of making the Search Harder'''
Best interest of subject. Risk.
* scent contamination
* untrained tracking
Punting upstairs.
{{lesson slide||}}
'''Legal Risks'''
Risk to yourself.
* exceeding authority
Risk to your teammates.
* exceeding scope of practice
Have group generate some examples.
{{lesson slide||}}
'''Speciality Teams'''
Risk of making things more difficult.
What are some of the specialty teams
that could be brought in?
''Use list of hazards from before''
* higher medical training
* transportion
** helicopter
** snowmobile
* rope rescue
* swift water rescue
* ice rescue
* fish & wildlife
* police
* animal control
Which teams could be part of a SAR group?
Which are outside the mandate of a SAR group?
{{lesson slide||}}
'''Doing it yourself'''
Accepting the risk.
Some SAR workers have unrecognized skills.
We ask SAR workers to know how to improvise.
"A little knowledge is a dangerous thing."
"What you don't know, will kill you."
The single greatest problem is that responders underestimate the hazard.
[Search and Rescue Fundamentals manual, Page 102]
Discuss with Team Leader and Command Post.
Err on the side of caution.
{{lesson slide||}}
'''Common triggers'''
At what point should you stop
and evaluate the risk?
Request speciality team.
Ask for overhead decision.
general guidelines:
* cliffs
** no closer than 2 meters of 2 meter fall
* other hazards with defined, unmoving boundary
** no closer than 2 meters
** swift water
* moving subject on slope
** 20 degrees
** hand on hip, elbow angle technique
** other situations where consequences of slip are severe
* avalanche
** don't enter area without equipment and risk assessment
* ice
** avoid if possible
** cross only good, clear, solid ice: 5 cm walking, 13 cm snowmobile
* extreme cold, wind chill
** individual assessment of adequacy of clothing, starts at +10C
* bears
** recent sign
* isolation
** individual assessment of skills
** train to 24 hr
{{lesson slides end}}
== Aids ==
{{prompt|What materials are needed or useful in presenting this lesson.}}
* {{subpage|Restricted|Non-publishable material}}
== Question bank ==
{{prompt|List of questions suitable for an review/exam of this section.}}
See {{subpage|Question bank}}
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
{{prompt|What are some of the questions that students typically ask. Include the answers.}}
Q: How should you respond if you encounter a wolverine?
A: Wolverines are 9-25 kg, max 32.
They have been known to prey on animals as large as moose,
but more often are carrion eaters. Don't disturb its kill. Give it
a wide berth. If it's attacking you, presume it's prey behaviour and
fight back.
== Feedback ==
{{prompt|When has this lesson been presented. What was the feedback.}}
== License ==
{{prompt|What can others do with this lesson?}}
Copyright © 2013, Brett Wuth.
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 Canada License.
To view a copy of this license, visit
or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
== Reference Material ==
{{prompt|If you need to cite sources, do so here.}}
== Notes ==
{{prompt|Any additional notes, etc.}}

Revision as of 08:45, 23 February 2013

This page is based on the Lesson plan template.

Use that template to make similar pages.



What is this lesson plan about?

This section is about knowing when to bring in specialized skills.

It builds on the understanding of hazards that the students have previously developed.

This section could potential by renamed "specialized skills".


List who wrote this lesson plan.

Brett Wuth


What is included in this lesson, what's not and why.

SAR Fundamentals Manual: Ch.8 "Problems Associated with Specific SAR Environments"
Basic SAR Skills Manual:
  • Ch.9 "Environmental Hazards in SAR"
  • Ch.10 "Animal, Insect, Snake Hazards"

The above material is assigned readings. This lesson plan builds on it.


What should students already know/have accomplished before the lesson is presented.

The students should already have completed the assigned reading.


At the conclusion of this lesson the participants:

  1. will be able to ...

Time Plan

Total Time: 30 minutes

Time Material


3 min

Introduce topic title

Introduce Instructor

Present Objectives


Local Hazards

Lead a discussion of the hazards SAR workers might encounter in our area. Write on flip chart.'

Some examples:

  • cliffs
  • swift water
  • avalanche
  • ice
  • extreme cold
  • bears
  • becoming isolated


Which are hazards you'd have known about before leaving the CP?

Which are hazards you might only discover in the field?

Circle examples


For one or more of the examples, discuss what the risk could be with the hazard. Might have to make the example more concrete with specific details.

What are the worst case scenarios associated with the risk?

  • Discomfort?
  • Damage to equipment?
  • Injury?
  • Death?

What is the likelihood of these consequences?

Risk = Impact x Probability


What are the consequences of not facing the hazard?

Not your emergency.

A dead subject is no longer an emergency.

Risk vs. Benefit


We need you to do the opposite of what your body is telling you to do.

Adrenaline poisoning

  • fight or flight

We need your brain to be working

  • S - Stop
  • T - Think
  • O - Observe
  • P - Plan

Who decides?

Both you and your supervisor can decide the risk is too high for the benefit.

Team in the field has the most detailed information about the hazard.

Overhead team has big picture.

Talk to your Team Leader. Talk to the Command Post.


List the 4 categories

  • Avoidance
    • withdraw from the situation
      • Don't send our team into an avalanche environment
    • remove the risk
      • Have the rancher move his buffalo to another field
  • Reduction
    • mitigate the risk
      • carry avalanche equipment
      • have avalanche tech assess and plan route
      • train in avalanche techniques
  • Sharing
    • ask someone else to do for us
      • bring in a speciality team, technician
      • Technical personnel should be used for technical rescue [Search and Rescue Fundamentals manual Page 99]
    • insurance
      • WCB
  • Retention - accept
    • cross the river

Have students give examples of each categories that bring out the sub strategies

Risks to the Subject

  • unsafe rescue techniques
  • untrained medical interventions
    • medications

Risks to others

Most technical rescues transform but do not eliminate the risk. Move it to an area where there shouldn't be exposure.

But having untrained people or bystanders around, they may be exposed to risk.

Example: Rope rescue uses the ropes to reduce risk of falling, but if there's an equipment failure people standing in an otherwise safe area may get swept over the cliff.

Stay away unless specifically directed to help.

Risk of making the Search Harder

  • scent contamination
  • untrained tracking

Legal Risks

  • exceeding authority
  • exceeding scope of practice

Speciality Teams

What are some of the specialty teams that could be brought in?

Use list of hazards from before

  • higher medical training
  • transportion
    • helicopter
    • snowmobile
  • rope rescue
  • swift water rescue
  • ice rescue
  • fish & wildlife
  • police
  • animal control

Which teams could be part of a SAR group? Which are outside the mandate of a SAR group?

Doing it yourself

Accepting the risk.

Some SAR workers have unrecognized skills. We ask SAR workers to know how to improvise.

"A little knowledge is a dangerous thing."

"What you don't know, will kill you."

The single greatest problem is that responders underestimate the hazard. [Search and Rescue Fundamentals manual, Page 102]

Discuss with Team Leader and Command Post. Err on the side of caution.

Common triggers

At what point should you stop and evaluate the risk?

Request speciality team. Ask for overhead decision.

general guidelines:

  • cliffs
    • no closer than 2 meters of 2 meter fall
  • other hazards with defined, unmoving boundary
    • no closer than 2 meters
    • swift water
  • moving subject on slope
    • 20 degrees
    • hand on hip, elbow angle technique
    • other situations where consequences of slip are severe
  • avalanche
    • don't enter area without equipment and risk assessment
  • ice
    • avoid if possible
    • cross only good, clear, solid ice: 5 cm walking, 13 cm snowmobile
  • extreme cold, wind chill
    • individual assessment of adequacy of clothing, starts at +10C
  • bears
    • recent sign
  • isolation
    • individual assessment of skills
    • train to 24 hr


What materials are needed or useful in presenting this lesson.

Question bank

List of questions suitable for an review/exam of this section.

See Question bank

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some of the questions that students typically ask. Include the answers.

Q: How should you respond if you encounter a wolverine?

A: Wolverines are 9-25 kg, max 32. They have been known to prey on animals as large as moose, but more often are carrion eaters. Don't disturb its kill. Give it a wide berth. If it's attacking you, presume it's prey behaviour and fight back.


When has this lesson been presented. What was the feedback.


What can others do with this lesson?

Copyright © 2013, Brett Wuth.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 Canada License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.

Reference Material

If you need to cite sources, do so here.



Any additional notes, etc.

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