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The FinancialStamentsTask is not yet done on a regular basis.

The intent is to produce financial staments about PCSAR for the board on a regular basis.

BrettWuth has set up a very similar process for another organization (SASCI) and in preparation for supporting this process has cut and paste the instruction for SASCI here. The instructions will have to be modified slightly for PCSAR.

How To Produce Financial Statements

open the current books using gnucash

  • make sure the accounts are reconciled* choose menu: Account/Check & Repair/Check & Repair All
  • check to see if there any accounts named: Orphan

if there are:

  • move each transaction from these accounts to the account where

they belong* delete the accounts* start again from the start of this step (Check & Repair All)* select the report "Balance Sheet"

  • choose "Options"


[edit] under "Accounts" choose:

depth: all

always show subaccounts: yes

account: all

[edit] under "Display" choose:

show balances for parent accounts: yes

show subtotals: yes

show foreign currency: yes

show exchange rates: no

[edit] under "General" choose:

Report Name: Balance Sheet

Stylesheet: Default

To: checked

Date: (last day of the month for report, e.g. 2004-02-29)

Report's currency: CAD

Price Source: Weighted Average (actually doesn't matter)

click "OK"

  • Click "export", name the file "balance-sheet.html"* select the report "Profit and Loss"
  • choose "Options"

[edit] under "Accounts" tab choose:

depth: all

always show subaccounts: yes

account: all

[edit] under "Display" tab choose:

group the accounts: yes

show balances for parent accounts: yes

show subtotals: yes

show foreign currency: yes

show exchange rates: no

[edit] under "General" tab choose:

Report Name: Income and Expense Year to Date

Stylesheet: Default

[edit] From: checked

Date: (start of financial year, e.g. 2003-09-01)

[edit] To: checked

Date: (last day of the month for report, e.g. 2004-02-29)

Report's currency: CAD

Price Source: Weighted Average (actually doesn't matter)

click "OK"

  • Click "export", name the file

"income-and-expense-year-to-date.html"* select another report "Profit and Loss"

  • choose "Options"

[edit] under "Accounts" choose:

depth: all

always show subaccounts: yes

account: all

[edit] under "Display" choose:

group the accounts: yes

show balances for parent accounts: yes

show subtotals: yes

show foreign currency: no

show exchange rates: no

[edit] under "General" choose:

Report Name: Income and Expense Last Month

Stylesheet: Default

[edit] From: checked

Date: (first dat of the month, e.g. 2004-02-01)

[edit] To: checked

Date: (last day of the month for report, e.g. 2004-02-29)

Report's currency: CAD

Price Source: Weighted Average (actually doesn't matter)

click "OK"

  • Click "export", name the file

"income-and-expense-last-month.html"* exit from gnucash* run openoffice

  • open financial-statements.sxc* when OpenOffice prompts you "This file contains

links to other files. Should they be update?", click Yes.* choose worksheet (bottom of window): Balance Sheet* verify that cell A1 shows correct date of report* hide and display the rows you want in the printed report* Add notes to column E* choose worksheet (bottom of window): Income and Expense* verify that cells D2 and K2 shows correct dates of report* Add notes to column J* save* select menu File/Page Preview* select toolbar Page Format under tab "Page" choose:

  • Format: letter* Orientation: Landscape* Table alignment: horizontal and verticalunder tab "Sheet" choose:
  • Grid: yes* click "OK"* Print to Minolta* Save the file as the report for the given month
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