User:Brett Wuth/Running Notes/2016-06


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== 2016-06-17 ==
== 2016-06-17 ==
* {{subpage|2016-06-17 Administrator mtg}}
* {{subpage|2016-06-17 Administrator mtg}}
* {{link|Image:Members:2016-06-17_06_04_26u-scan0010.pdf}}
== 2016-06-23 ==
== 2016-06-23 ==
Review draft financial statements
Review draft financial statements

Revision as of 23:33, 4 July 2016








Technical Rescue session - gear organization

  • tyvek tags for bags
  • inventory list for each bag like done for rope rescue
    • 4 identical contents
  • duffel bags
    • 3 large duffels for life vests
      • 1 for shore rescue support
      • 1 for boat
      • 1 for shore search
  • helmets for people on boat
    • light issue
    • whistle
    • light
  • 8 lanyards plastic curly for whistle for vests
  • supplies for boat to make legal
    • air horn
    • light
    • paddles
    • bailer
    • throw bag
    • 2 life vests for people in boat
      • possible more to offer to rescuees
      • inflate on water contact
  • yellow, green, black paint sticks from allied or office supply store





Review draft financial statements

  • include column for percentage of budget (so board can see if this percentage is higher than how far through the year we are)
  • Changes to existing rows
    • Remove "Shell Canada" or move it under "Corporate Donations"
    • Rename "Town of Pincher Creek Donation" to "Municipal Grants" (or make it a subitem of that category)
    • Rename "Incident Income Fees / DONATIONS" to "Incident Fees" and set budget to $0, as we didn't budget for this source of income
    • Remove the category "Reimbursed Expenses". These transactions should credit the expense categories for which they are reimbursements (or the accounts receivable if that was done previously).
    • Move under Administration and relabel "Admin Phone", it's not part of our response communications capability (although it may in part become such in the future)
    • Move the charges for 1-855-727-2911 to "Pincher Creek CISM Team"
    • Relabel "Radio Repairs" to "Radio Communications"
    • Remove the "Administration D Piwek" and assign costs to the existing subcategories of "Administrator's Time"
    • What was the work for "Committee - Fundraising?"
    • Relabel "Land Phones" as "Incident Phone Lines" and move under "Communications Capability"
    • What is "Mileage"? Were these search expenses? This probably need to be put under some other category.
    • Create a new category under "Administration" called "Postal Services" (budget $250) and move "Post Office Box" and "Postage" under it
    • Move "Software Purchase/Renewal" out from "Office Supplies" to be directly under "Administration"
    • Relabel "Vehicle Expense" to "Vehicle Maintenance"
    • Relabel "Command Post Repairs" to "Command Post Flooring" and remove its budget. The $750 budget approved by the board was only if it could be charged to the Gaming Funds, which it can't.
    • Relabel "SARCAR Expenses" as "MCP Expenses" (Mobile Command Post)
    • Move the categories "Fuel", "Insurance" and "License Plates" out of "MCP Expenses" and put them directly under "Vehicle Expenses" as they deal with more than one vehicle.
    • What are the charges to "MCP Expenses:Repairs"? I wonder if these have to do with other vehicles.
    • The "Mantracking" expense should be a payment of an account payable carried over from last year. If that's not possible, it should be charged to "Outside Courses" and the financial statements should include a note that it was an expense incurred in the previous financial year.
    • Reassign "Search Safety Glasses" to "Rope Rescue Equipment"
    • Where is the Briefing Trailer and the Wheeled Stretcher? If they don't show up on the Income and Expense statements because they've be listed as capital, then we need to see the Balance Sheet as well.
    • What is the rationale for capitalizing the Wheeled Stretcher but not the Rope Rescue and Swift Water equipment?
    • Remove the category "Expensed Casino Purchases:Shipping". This expense should be distributed among the products purchased.
    • Move "Search T-Shirts" and "Preplan Books" out of "Casino Purchases" as the budget authorization did not make these contingent on using casino funds.
  • Add rows
    • Add "Equipment Trailer Cabinet" with a budget of $250.
  • Budget amendments needed
    • Vehicle Expenses budget $3500, actual $4,123.54
    • Casino 2016 Expense (Fundraising expenses) budget $0, actual $3,033.83
    • Rope Rescue Supplies and Equipment budget $2430.00 actual $2,500+
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