SAR Fundamental/Day 6 start up/Content Review


Revision as of 07:53, 9 December 2018 by Brett Wuth (Talk | contribs)
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Student Name:


  • Can you use triangulation if you are in a thick forest and can only see one peak in front of you?

  • Is it easy to walk along a creek

  • Why should you walk at an even pace?

  • When putting yourself in the subject's "shoes", what 3 questions should you ask yourself?

  • What are the components of a complete subject profile?

  • What is the worst time of day to track?

  • You find a very clear set of prints of what you strongly suspect is the subject. What measurements would you communicate back to the command post?

  • What does P.L.S. stand for?

  • Define P.O.A.

  • Name 3 things that you would fill out or ask on a briefing.

  • What should you do if a point of the briefing is not clear?

  • When searching for a lost person from the air, what clues should you look for?

  • What is the primary responsibility of the Team Leader?

  • When is it okay not to follow directions from your team leader?

  • Personal tools