403-627-5804 is Pincher Creek's Call-Back Number. Provided by Telus through PCES.
When there is not an active incident happening, it is call-forwarded to the manager on-call.
See call forwarding.
When it's not working
Occasionally Telus gives us problems and calls to 627-5804 do not go through as intended. We've designed a redundant system to help handle that.
First Notification:
Our Incident Notification System is redundant. Calls from Tasking Agencies and other SAR Groups should be made first to 403-627-2262. Only if that number doesn't work, should these people call 403-627-5804. If 627-5804 is not working, they should know enough to call 403-627-2262 instead.
627-2262 goes to STARS. See PCSAR Doc-80 Incident Notification Process. STARS will use the First Call List to contact a PCSAR member. The first entry on the list is 403-627-5804 for the On-Call Manager. When this doesn't work they will proceed down the list of Call-Out People and SAR Managers until they reach someone.