Board of Directors/2017-09-07/Minutes


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Status of this document

This document is in creation. The minutes are being created on the fly. It has not yet been adopted by the board.



Absent with Regret:

  • none

Quorum was achieved.


  • none


Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 13:45 on 2017-09-07 by Brett via e-mail. Brett recorded the minutes.

Approval of cheques over $500 or outside budget

Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by John MacGarva that payment of $1307.34 to Red Ink Investments for administrator's services in the months of July ($400.00 Administrators Time, $172.90 expense claim) and August ($765.20), and a correction of June ($30.76 overpayment) be approved.

Votes in Favour: Brett, John; Against: none; Abstain: none

Note: Red Ink Investments is the name of Rose Bonertz's business.

Note: The president has reviewed and approved Rose's invoices. They can be reviewed here:

Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by _______________ that payment of $1273.69 to MacGarva Company Ltd. for administrator's services in the months of April ($975.70) and May ($297.99) be approved.

Votes in Favour: Brett; Against: none; Abstain: John

Note: The President has reviewed and approved the invoices which can be found here:

Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by John MacGarva that payment of $503.73 to Matt Lynch for expenses to attend the Provincial Training and AGM in April, 2017 be approved.

Votes in Favour: Brett, John; Against: none; Abstain: none

Note: Matt and Brett travel to Slave Lake via Matt's vehicle. These costs include registration, travel and accommodation. Details can be found here:

Signing Authority

Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by John MacGarva that the Society redefine its signing authority on its accounts at the Alberta Treasury Branch to be any two of the President (Brett Wuth), Treasurer (Igor Grujic), Director (John MacGarva) and Administrator (Rose Bonertz).

Votes in Favour: Brett, John; Against: none; Abstain: none

Credit Card

Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by John MacGarva that the Society request that its Alberta Treasury Branch Mastercard be reissued in the name of the current Administrator (Rose Bonertz).

Votes in Favour: Brett, John; Against: none; Abstain: none


The next regular Board Meeting is scheduled for October 3, 2017 at 17:30.

The meeting adjourned on 2017-??-?? at ??:??.

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