User:Brett Wuth/Working Notes/2014-05-06 leadership training plan


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  • TL should ask early about medical conditions of team members (2013-02-23 Mock/Critque/Sug/0022)
  • difference between operational and non-operational situation
  • principles of ICS, chain of command
  • Travelling to the site of a search organized by another team.
    • Who's over-all in charge?
    • What are the responsibilities?
  • Working/integrating with other teams
  • Difficulties in the Field
    • Belligerent searcher
      • local insists on searching outside of the area
      • how does the team leader handle?
    • what are the problems of challenging the person in charge?
    • what do you risk?
    • when is it appropriate to challenge the person in charge?
    • what are ways of handling it?
    • The team leader becomes sick
    • How do you transfer charge?
    • Communications with Overhead Team fails
    • Who is in charge?
    • How to transfer no formal transfer of charge?
  • being visibly in-charge
  • leadership is just one view into team dynamics
  • being a good team member creates good leadership


To do

  • Review related training suggestions
  • Read all resource material
  • Read text book material on leadership
  • Identify training objectives