Task/List/Determine training available for our members from other organizations


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Can you help? We need a volunteer to stay in contact with other SAR groups and organizations that might have training opportunities our members would like to attend. Find out the details, so we can let our members know. Work is mostly e-mail and checking web sites. Less than 2 hours per month. Contact the training committee pcsar-train@castrov.cuug.ab.ca, if you could help. warning.pngString representation Can you help? We need a volunteer to stay […] ain@castrov.cuug.ab.ca, if you could help. is too long for PCSAR.




? hours

Assigned to



Find out what training opportunities may be available for our members from other organizations. This is not asking them to run a course for us, but asking them if they are already planning a training event if we can participate by sending a few members.

Sometimes participation would be free. Other times there would be a charge. In which case the Training Committee would have to decide whether PCSAR should cover all, part, or none of the fee.

Organizations that in the past have provided training include:

  • Pincher Creek Emergency Services - first aid/CPR, Emergency Medical Responder (EMR), some joint exercises and practices
  • Pincher Creek Community Emergency Management Agency - H2S Alive
  • Castle Mountain Resort - avalanche courses
  • Shell Canada - H2S Alive
  • Alberta Emergency Management Agency (AEMA) - ICS 100 online
  • neighbouring SAR groups
    • Lethbridge SAR - because they're so close, we should be aware of their training each month
    • Crowsnest Pass SAR - because they're so close, we should be aware of their training each month
    • Lethbridge Canadian Search Dog Association - sometimes they have training events that aren't about dogs
    • Waterton Lakes National Park - public safety - sometimes have training events that they could open up to our members
    • Sparwood SAR - work with us regularly on snowmobile searches and sometimes offer access to their training events
  • major provincial SAR courses, exercises, and conferences
    • these events are funded or initiated by the Office of the Fire Commissioners Office or SAR Alberta, so these organizations will have a list of these events and who is organizing them
    • the events themselves are usually organized by a particular SAR group somewhere in the province, so we have to contact that SAR group to get the details
    • There's a mailing list that is sometime used to publicize these events. See SARA Training Coordinators emailing list
    • Some SAR groups put their training events on an online calendar called ITM (see)
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Description warning.pngString representation Can you help? We need a volunteer to stay […] ain@castrov.cuug.ab.ca, if you could help. is too long for PCSAR.