Board of Directors/2017-10-31/Minutes


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Status of this document

This document is in creation. The minutes are being created on the fly.



Absent with Regret:

  • none

Quorum was achieved.


  • none


Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 15:55 on 2017-10-31 by Brett via e-mail. Brett recorded the minutes.

Budget Adjustments

Brett reported that the revised year-end financial statements were nearly complete. Draft Income and Expense statements were circulated. The "Briefing trailer supplies" at $229.98 are not currently in a budget category and are going to be recategorized either as "Response Supplies" or "Vehicle Maintenance" depending on their nature. The current report does not include budget categories, so the board is referred to the current version of the 2016-2017 budget which was approved by the board on October 3.

Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by ___________ that the 2016-2017 Budget be amended by

  • increasing the Recruitment and Retention category from $300 to $350.00.


  • Satellite Communications from $1500 actual $1509.14
  • Administrators Time - Board from $1,158.00 actual $1,514.20
  • Administrators Time - Committee - Audit from $180.00 actual $180.00
  • Administrators Time - Committee - Equipment from $90.00 actual $0.00
  • Administrators Time - Committee - Fund Raising from $450.00 actual $0.00
  • Administrators Time - Committee - Membership from $1,458.00 actual $442.80
  • Administrators Time - Committee - Preplan from $342.00 actual $0.00
  • Administrators Time - Committee - Training from $738.00 actual $880.00
  • Administrators Time - President from $480.00 actual $839.40
  • Administrators Time - Secretary from $2,574.00 actual $2,798.70
  • Administrators Time - Treasurer from $3,780.00 actual $4,124.80
  • Bank Service Charges from $50.00 actual $137.40
  • Vehicle Maintenance from $3000.00 actual $4,434.25


The next regular Board Meeting is scheduled for December 5, 2017 at 17:30.

The meeting adjourned on 2017-??-?? at ??:??.

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