Change of Position Holders
Whenever there's a change in who's in key positions in the organization, there's several places this information needs to be recorded or reported.
- For any board member, record the date they assumed or left office here. You'll need that for the Charitable Status filing. (done for changes to 2017-11-07)
- Update the membership records of the people that have stepped down from positions and the people that have taken up positions (done for changes to 2017-11-07)
- Update our list of board members on the wiki. (done for changes to 2017-11-07)
- Update the SAR Alberta website listing. (done for changes to 2017-11-07)
- File changes of Board Members with the Provincial Registrar as part of our society status. Save copy of letter on same page.
- File changes of Board Members with Insurer. (done for changes to 2017-11-07)
- File changes of President, VP, Treasurer, Secretary, Casino Chair, or Administrator with the AGLC. Upload correspondence to wiki so can verify continuing our practice of using only our permanent address.
- File changes of Board Members or the Administrator with the Canada Revenue Agency. Save copy of letter on same page.
- Update to forward calls to the new people
- Let the membership know.
- Change signing authorities at the bank.
- For changes in the Administrator, change the name on the credit card.