Board of Directors/2019-07-02/Minutes


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Status of this document

This document is NOT Official. This document has been adopted by the board at the link meeting. It can be amended at any board meeting.



Absent with Regret:

Quorum was achieved.


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order Igor Grujic at 1742. Sabrina Ryans recorded minutes.


Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Igor Grujic that the Agenda be adopted as amended. Carried.


Moved by Igor Grujic, seconded by Brett Wuth that the minutes of the 2019-06-04 board meeting be adopted as presented. Carried.

Moved by Igor Grujic, seconded by Brett Wuth that the minutes of the 2019-06-26 board meeting be adopted as presented. Carried.

New Member Applications

None to report.


2019-06-15 Mount Haig Standby: PCSAR tasked by RCMP then changed to standby due to the condition of the patient. The decision was made to use Kananaskis Emergency Services to long-line the patient from their location.


Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Igor Grujic that the Financial Statements be accepted as information. Carried.

Action Administrator to meet with Treasurer to enter Budget into Quickbooks.

Discussion occurred on the need for a policy regarding expense claim timeline limits. Action Sabrina Ryans will draft a policy to be circulated to the board and voted on during the August board meeting.

Action the board will meet in the first 2 weeks of August to prepare a budget for the 2019/2020 Fiscal year.

Action Board members will hold an email discussion on the long-term funding needs during July.

Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Igo Grujic, that the credit card use policy be updated to include the following: "Purchases outside of the auto-payments for PCSAR bills must be pre-approved, to a maximum of $499, by either the Treasurer or the President. All purchases above $500 must be approved by the Board as per spending policies. Copies of reciepts must be provided. Administrator will ensure that President and Treasurer can view credit card statements in real time through online banking, in addition, email alerts will be set up through the credit card provider informing the board when purchases occur." Carried.

Functional Area Reports


Action Igor Grujic will connect with Waterton Park Visitor Safety Technician Marcus Waring regarding collaboration.

Action Igor Grujic will connect with Jeff Feist with RCMP regarding deployment of PCSAR.

Fundraising OFC Grant needs to be completed and next year's grant applied for. Action Sabrina Ryans will contact OFC grant coordinator for documents and meet with PCSAR treasurer to finish the report. Action Board will have an email discussion regarding training needs going forward.


No training scheduled for July. Brett Wuth is still waiting on dates from LSAR for SAR Basics course in fall 2019. Action: Brett Wuth will follow up in the coming weeks to attempt to secure dates and will distribute to our members ASAP. Prompted by the Community Grant Writer, Brett is still pursuing setting a budget and proposal for Helicopter Training. Action: Brett Wuth will connect with other members of the training committee, Associate and CRG for task-specific assistance in getting this organized. Alberta Parks is organizing a joint exercise on July 15, 2019. PCSAR has been invited to attend. Action Brett Wuth to follow up with Denis Hache at AB Parks for further details and will invite the membership to take part.

Membership Action: Brett and Sabrina will meet to train Sabrina on updating the membership database.

Equipment Initial discussions have taken place between Brett Wuth and Dave Cox over sharing the Mobile Command Post. Brett Wuth and Igor Grujic will attempt to schedule a further meeting for more detailed discussion prior to bringing forward a proposal to the board. Action Sabrina Ryans will order new locks to replace current failing locks. Combinations will remain the same.

Pre-Plan Nothing to Report

Technical Rescue Nothing to Report

Call Out Further discussion was had over the rejuvenation of the committees. Board members present will reach out to specific committees this month to determine involvement etc. Action Brett Wuth to meet with Technology and Pre-Plan, Igor Grujic to meet with Call Out and CRG.

Audit Auditors will be needed to review the 2018/2019 books. It was decided that a periodical review of the books by an accountant, in addition to the membership audit would be beneficial. Action Brett Wuth to contact members with audit experience to locate 2 to complete the audit prior to the November 2019 AGM. Action Sabrina Ryans to reach out to local accountants for assistance in preparing the 2018/2019 audit.

Technology Nothing to Report

Prevention Nothing to Report

Action Item Review and Update

All action items from the previous meeting were covered within the meeting agenda.

Strategic Planning

No disussion had.


Moved by Igor Grujic, seconded by Brett Wuth to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 1850. Next board meeting is scheduled for August 13, 2019 at 1730 via Skype.

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