Board of Directors/2019-10-08/Minutes


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Status of this document

This document is NOT OFFICIAL. This document has been adopted by the board at the 2019-10-22 meeting. It can be amended at any board meeting.



Absent with Regrets

Quorum was achieved.


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order Igor Grujic at 1745. Sabrina Ryans recorded minutes.


Moved by Igor Grujic, seconded by Brett Wuth that the Agenda be adopted as presented. Carried.


Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Igor Grujic that the minutes of the 2019-09-03 board meeting be adopted as presented. Carried.

New Member Applications

Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Igor Grujic that Norm Keeler be approved as an Associate Member of the Pincher Creek Search and Rescue Society. Carried.

Moved by Igor Grujic, seconded by Brett Wuth that Denis Hache be approved as a member of the Community Response Group. Carried.


None to report.

During a local weather event, discussions were had to potentially mobilize members of PCSAR to assist EMS in accessing rural properties if EMS were unable to reach homes due to snow volume over roads and driveways. This was not needed and members were not mobilized.

Administrator's Report

QuickBooks is up to date through to August 31, 2019 and work is beginning on preparing the year-end with the goal of having audited financial statements for the AGM in Nov 2019.

Budgets for 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 were entered into QuickBooks.

OFC Grant was submitted in September and we are in compliance. Waiting on the Provincial Budget to find out if there will be grant opportunities going forward. Casino Grant is delayed but expected to be completed shortly. Action: Sabrina will work with board members to sort out details and submit.

AGM is approaching and location and plans need to be finalized. Action: Sabrina will look into booking venues and set up a list of action items to help decide on the structure of this year's AGM.


See notes in the Administrator's report regarding budgets and grants.

Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Igor Grujic that the Financial Statements be accepted as information. Carried.

Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Igor Grujic that the 2018-2019 Budget be amended to increase the Bank Services category from $50.00 to $100, the Software category to be increased from $200 to $500 and the Website category to be increased from $300 to $500. Carried.

Action: Brett to review 2019/2020 budget, propose changes and circulate via email for review by the board at the next board meeting.

Functional Area Reports


Director of Emergency Management for region is working with Castle Mountain Resort and other stakeholders to set a meeting

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