Board of Directors/2021-03-09/Minutes


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Status of this document

This document is draft. It has yet been adopted by the board. It can be amended at any board meeting.



Absent with Regret:

  • none

Quorum was achieved.


  • none


Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 09:17 on 2021-03-09 via e-mail. Brett recorded the minutes.

Membership Deemed Resignation

The board reviewed the attempts to contact PCSAR members that had been made since June 2020.

Moved by Nata de Leeuw, seconded by Brett Wuth, whereas the board has made thorough and repeated attempts to contact members and either has not received a response, or has been informed that the member wishes to resign, that with regret the following members are deemed to have resigned as of this date:

  • Bree Kullman
  • Brittany Krahn
  • Cody Cameron
  • John MacGarva
  • Susanna MacGarva

In favour: Nata, Brett, Igor, Nick; Did not vote: Lucas; Carried at 2021-03-15 16:44.


The next regular Board Meeting will be scheduled after the AGM.

The meeting adjourned on 2020-03-15 at 23:59.

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