Identify and describe the need for Memoranda of Understanding (MOU's) between PCSAR and the major tasking agencies.
This task is simply to identify the needs form an operational point of view. The actual negotiation of the MOU is a BoardCommittee responsibility. The BoardCommittee will include non-operational issues such as billing.
- Request BoardCommittee to pursue MOU's (done)* Identify which tasking agencies we should have MOU's with
- Should PCSAR have an MOU with Lands and Forests (e.g. giving
notice when working in their areas -- this is a must for Provincial Parks)* Recommend what should go into our MOU's from an operational point of view (completed in current draft)
- e.g., tasking agency will contact trained resource under such
and such circumstances* e.g., training/orientation for tasking agency membersBrett Wuth, 2005/02/21 22:22 MST (via web): Roy reported that the RCMP have initiated a number of changes in the detachment MOU's with PCSAR. The details of the MOU and their impact on preplan responsibilities will be reviewed at a later meeting.