2012-02-25 Search Manager Recertification


Revision as of 04:00, 23 February 2012 by Ron Hann (Talk | contribs)
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Include or link to the announcement for this event.

Pincher Creek SAR will be running a provincially funded Search Manager Recertification Course on Saturday-Sunday February 25-26, 2012.

All interested participants must have their $50.00 (refundable) deposit in no later than Feb 24, 2012. There is a course limit. It will fill on a first come first serve basis.

The course is composed of reviewing old materials as well as introducing anything new that has surfaced . There will be a review of the ICS related to search mgrs and map exercises etc. Bring any of your managers binders or manuals.

Instructor: Daryl Black

For more information see:


or contact: Ron Hann <RGHConsulting@shaw.ca>


Event location, date, time and duration.

  • MD Meeting Room: Basement, MD Building, 753 Kettles St, Pincher Creek east door
  • Sat 09:00 to 17:00
  • Sun 09:00 to 16:30 must be out by 17:00


Purpose of the event or detailed agenda/schedule.


Record here who is interested in attending and indicate for each person whether they've been confirmed or declined, and attended/completed the event.

See general interest list.

To sign up for this course, please click "edit" to the right and add your name below. Include your phone number, e-mail address, and home town. Or you can register with Ron Hann, RGHConsulting@shaw.ca or call 403-627-2530. Get your $50 deposit in to Ron Hann.

  • Janet Jones, Pincher Creek
  • Brett Wuth, Pincher Creek, 403-627-2460, wuth@acm.org
  • Ron Hann, Pincher Creek
  • Eric Bruder, Pincher Creek
  • Jenna Montgomery
  • Mar DeMong - Calgary SAR
  • Lynn Keeler - Calgary SAR
  • Spencer Manweiler - LASARA


Include or link here any record of the event, such as brief description, rough notes, photos, media coverage.


Note any equipment used -- equipment sign-out sheets.


Note any budget, actual expenses. Attach receipts.

See /Financial


Note any feedback received, measures of success. Attach any course evaluation forms.

To do

Record things that are yet to be done in preparation or conclusion of this event.

  • (done) get course description
  • (done) get maximum class size
  • (done) finish drafting announcement
  • (done) send out announcement
  • (done) get instructor's costs
  • determine facility/equipment requirements
  • (done) book facility
  • book equipment
  • (done) verify grant amount
  • determine grant requirements on class size
  • develop budget (facility, food, possibly mileage, accommodation)
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