Suggestions coming from the August 24, 2010 critique regarding the 2010-08-04 Quad incident and the 2010-08-18 Table Mountain incident.
Pincher Creek SAR routinely performs a critique after a Search and Rescue incident in order to learn what should be done differently or the same in the next similar incident. Critiques are not about criticism but rather about learning. They are normally chaired by a Search Manager that was not involved in the incident. The suggestions that are brought forward through the critique process are presented in this report.
Contents |
Rough notes
- 2010-09 preplan mtg notes confidential
# | Suggestion | Referred to |
0001 | Add to SAR Tasking Guidelines that the Manager on Call communicate directly with the RCMP | preplan |
0002 | All Search Mangers should have phone contacts for EMS ambulance in order to improve on inter-agency communication and avoid mistaken directions including Channel(s) 1&2. | training |
0003 | Interagency Communication should be improved | board |
0004 | Equipment in SARCAR and Equipment Trailer should include Heat Blankets and Hot Packs. | equipment |
0005 | ensure that all drivers can back up and haul out the SAR trailer | training |
0006 | Practice should be to haul trailer out to most incident. | preplan |
0007 | research best practice for transport of injured subject via truck bed, train to that standard | preplan |
0008 | discuss (formally) with PCES the issues of navigation to call-out sites (for example: on the August 04 incident south of PC, the ambulance missed the directions. | preplan |
0009 | Subject removal and evacuation planning. | training |
0010 | clarify roles and command structure/hierarchy when several agencies are involved in/responding to the same incident. | training |
0011 | that the trailer be stored at the Fire Hall | equipment |
0012 | Training in the use of PCES radio channels (1& 2) as well as in the “Mutual Aid” channel. | training |
0013 | rope rescue equipment is transferred to the SAR trailer | unassigned |
0014 | arrange meeting with new RCMP Commander | board |
0015 | Had the original message gone off right at the shale slide? Was there too much hysteria? | unassigned |
0016 | Use a magnetic wand to show trailer alignment. | equipment |
0017 | Call out needs more than 15 minutes to marshal at fire hall | preplan |
0018 | Train new call-out | preplan |
0019 | EMS all terrain stretcher could not have gone in all way. It would have been a tough pack; Pincher SAR's would have been better. | unassigned |
0020 | EMS personnel were not outfitted to climb the mountain. They wore rubber boots, full cover-alls on a hot day. | unassigned |
0021 | No PCSAR team leader in the field. | training |
0022 | PCSAR & EMS joint training (witness a mock search). Would provide opportunity to let EMS personnel see capability of SAR. | training |
0023 | working with EMS, need to get SAR into action faster | preplan |
0024 | Consider using back door number to talk to Lethbridge dispatch to avoid long calls of questions | preplan |
# | Suggestion | Referred to |
0001 | Add to SAR Tasking Guidelines that the Manager on Call communicate directly with the RCMP | preplan |
0002 | All Search Mangers should have phone contacts for EMS ambulance in order to improve on inter-agency communication and avoid mistaken directions including Channel(s) 1&2. | training |
0003 | Interagency Communication should be improved | board |
0004 | Equipment in SARCAR and Equipment Trailer should include Heat Blankets and Hot Packs. | equipment |
0005 | ensure that all drivers can back up and haul out the SAR trailer | training |
0006 | Practice should be to haul trailer out to most incident. | preplan |
0007 | research best practice for transport of injured subject via truck bed, train to that standard | preplan |
0008 | discuss (formally) with PCES the issues of navigation to call-out sites (for example: on the August 04 incident south of PC, the ambulance missed the directions. | preplan |
0009 | Subject removal and evacuation planning. | training |
0010 | clarify roles and command structure/hierarchy when several agencies are involved in/responding to the same incident. | training |
0011 | that the trailer be stored at the Fire Hall | equipment |
0012 | Training in the use of PCES radio channels (1& 2) as well as in the “Mutual Aid” channel. | training |
0013 | rope rescue equipment is transferred to the SAR trailer | unassigned |
0014 | arrange meeting with new RCMP Commander | board |
0015 | Had the original message gone off right at the shale slide? Was there too much hysteria? | unassigned |
0016 | Use a magnetic wand to show trailer alignment. | equipment |
0017 | Call out needs more than 15 minutes to marshal at fire hall | preplan |
0018 | Train new call-out | preplan |
0019 | EMS all terrain stretcher could not have gone in all way. It would have been a tough pack; Pincher SAR's would have been better. | unassigned |
0020 | EMS personnel were not outfitted to climb the mountain. They wore rubber boots, full cover-alls on a hot day. | unassigned |
0021 | No PCSAR team leader in the field. | training |
0022 | PCSAR & EMS joint training (witness a mock search). Would provide opportunity to let EMS personnel see capability of SAR. | training |
0023 | working with EMS, need to get SAR into action faster | preplan |
0024 | Consider using back door number to talk to Lethbridge dispatch to avoid long calls of questions | preplan |