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Suggestions coming from the August 24, 2010 critique regarding the 2010-08-04 Quad incident and the 2010-08-18 Table Mountain incident.

Pincher Creek SAR routinely performs a critique after a Search and Rescue incident in order to learn what should be done differently or the same in the next similar incident. Critiques are not about criticism but rather about learning. They are normally chaired by a Search Manager that was not involved in the incident. The suggestions that are brought forward through the critique process are presented in this report.




Committee / Organization

The suggestions are being passed on to the indicated organizations/committees for their consideration. We recognize that not all suggestions may be appropriate, and some may already have been implemented.


Mandate Relevant to Incidents:

  • Overall ability of PCSAR to accomplish its mission.
  • Organizational policies
  • Relationships with Tasking Agencies and Fellow Responding Organizations.
  • Financing, budget

suggestions identified:

PCSAR Preplan Committee

Mandate Relevant to Incidents:

  • Expertise in search and rescue.
  • Standard Operating Procedures for incidents.
  • Post incident critique, review and follow-up.

suggestions identified:

PCSAR Equipment Committee

Mandate Relevant to Incidents:

  • Obtaining and keeping equipment ready.

suggestions identified:

PCSAR Call-Out Committee

Mandate Relevant to Incidents:

  • Respond to First Call from Tasking Agency
  • Contacting members during an incident.

suggestions identified:

PCSAR Membership Committee

Mandate Relevant to Incidents:

  • Recruiting members.
  • Tracking members contact information, skills and equipment.

suggestions identified:

PCSAR Training Committee

Mandate Relevant to Incidents:

  • Training members.

suggestions identified:

Tasking Agency

Mandate Relevant to Incidents:

  • Overall legal responsibility for incident.

suggestions identified:

Fellow Responding Organizations

Mandate Relevant to Incidents:

  • Response to incident in accordance with their individual mandate and ability.

suggestions identified:



Suggestion #1: Add to SAR Tasking Guidelines that the Manager on Call communicate directly with the RCMP

Committee handling: preplan
Value to PCSAR mandate: high
Difficulty to implement: done

Action: Address in SAR Pre-plan


Suggestion #2: All Search Mangers should have phone contacts for EMS ambulance in order to improve on inter-agency communication and avoid mistaken directions including Channel(s) 1&2.

Committee handling: training
Value to PCSAR mandate: high
Difficulty to implement: easy

also preplan committee

Search managers and net control should know that we should use Channel 1 as preferred means of communicating with PCES during incidents.

  • Verify with PCES

Channel 2 is simplex.

Considered, but rejected: having cell phone numbers of ambulances. Won't know which ambulance is deployed.

Action: Address in SAR Training

Same as Critiques/2010-08-24/Sug2.

Reviewed at 2010-10-19 Preplan meeting.


Suggestion #3: Interagency Communication should be improved

Committee handling: board
Value to PCSAR mandate: not rated
Difficulty to implement: not rated

Action: Training with Table-top exercise among all agencies

Could include all agencies.

Request to PCCEMA to organize.

Reviewed at 2010-10-19 Preplan meeting.

refer to tasking agency (PCCEMA)


Suggestion #4: Equipment in SARCAR and Equipment Trailer should include Heat Blankets and Hot Packs.

Committee handling: equipment
Value to PCSAR mandate: high
Difficulty to implement: medium

Fire Chief has offered hot packs.

Hypothermia kits can't freeze so stored in Fire Hall.

Rejected: understand why kits can't freeze and see if constraint can be ignored.

Consider: heated container in equipment trailer allowing equipment that require minimum temperature to be kept there year round.

Action: check out and procure this survival equipment.

Reviewed at 2010-10-19 Preplan meeting.


Suggestion #5: ensure that all drivers can back up and haul out the SAR trailer

Committee handling: training
Value to PCSAR mandate: medium
Difficulty to implement: easy

SAR spent 20 minutes lining up trailer hitch/chose wrong hitch.

  • practice deployment of SAR trailer.

Assuming that we move the equipment trailer to the firehall, value is only medium.

Rejected: Identify who can do it, who is needed.

Reviewed at 2010-10-19 Preplan meeting.


Suggestion #6: Practice should be to haul trailer out to most incident.

Committee handling: preplan
Value to PCSAR mandate: high
Difficulty to implement: done

Rejected: Policy to haul to every incident. Incidents supporting other teams may not require.


  • Remind Managers.
  • Remind Managers what's in it.
  • have as backup training.

Reviewed at 2010-10-19 Preplan meeting, 2010-11-16 Preplan meeting.


Suggestion #7: research best practice for transport of injured subject via truck bed, train to that standard

Committee handling: preplan
Value to PCSAR mandate: medium
Difficulty to implement: easy

also training committee

  • Stretcher should have been tied down.
    • recommend use as training exercise.
    • tie-downs are available.
  • would be better to tether/and winch up of another truck.
  • only occurs 1 in 5 or more years

Consider: could be in purvue of rope rescue response.

Reviewed at 2010-10-19 Preplan meeting.

  1. REDIRECT Members:Critiques/2010-08-24/Sug/0008
Facts about Critiques/2010-08-24RDF feed
Committee handling Suggestion/Committee/List/preplan  +, Suggestion/Committee/List/training  +, Suggestion/Committee/List/board  +, and Suggestion/Committee/List/equipment  +
Description Add to SAR Tasking Guidelines that the Manager on Call communicate directly with the RCMP  +, All Search Mangers should have phone contacts for EMS ambulance in order to improve on inter-agency communication and avoid mistaken directions including Channel(s) 1&2.  +, Interagency Communication should be improved  +, Equipment in SARCAR and Equipment Trailer should include Heat Blankets and Hot Packs.  +, ensure that all drivers can back up and haul out the SAR trailer  +, Practice should be to haul trailer out to most incident.  +, and research best practice for transport of injured subject via truck bed, train to that standard  +
Difficulty to implement done  +, easy  +, not rated  +, and medium  +
Full page name Critiques/2010-08-24  +
Sequence number 1  +, 2  +, 3  +, 4  +, 5  +, 6  +, and 7  +
Value to PCSAR mandate high  +, not rated  +, and medium  +
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