2016-06-25 Wilderness Exercise


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[edit] Announcement

Include or link to the announcement for this event.

Saturday June 25 we'll host a wilderness exercise/hike to Castle Mountain. This is the real Castle Mountain (known officially as Windsor Ridge) and forms the iconic image pictured on our website front page. It's not Gravenstafl Ridge that the misnamed Castle Mountain Ski Hill is on 6km each way, 1600 foot elevation gain. One creek crossing. This is an intermediate hike. Along the way we'll talk about animal safety. Meet at 08:30 at the Pincher Creek Fire Hall or about 09:00 at the trail head. Back by about 16:00 (4pm). Family, friends and members of other SAR groups welcome!

http://pcsar.webhop.org (picture)

[edit] Booking

Event location, date, time and duration.

[edit] File number

How is this event identified? E.g., give the D4H/POC/ARRC number.

[edit] Agenda

Purpose of the event or detailed agenda/schedule.

[edit] Participants

Record here who is interested in attending and indicate for each person whether they've been confirmed or declined, and attended/completed the event.

[edit] Record

Include or link here any record of the event, such as brief description, rough notes, photos, media coverage.

[edit] Equipment

Note any equipment used -- equipment sign-out sheets.

[edit] Financial

Note any budget, actual expenses. Attach receipts.

[edit] Feedback

Note any feedback received, measures of success. Attach any course evaluation forms.

[edit] To do

Record things that are yet to be done in preparation or conclusion of this event.