Board of Directors/2016-08-02/Minutes


< Board of Directors | 2016-08-02
Revision as of 19:47, 7 September 2016 by Brett Wuth (Talk | contribs)
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[edit] Status of this document

This document is a draft. It has not yet been adopted by the board.

[edit] Attending


Absent with Regret:

Quorum was achieved.


[edit] Meeting

[edit] Call to order

The meeting was called to order at 18:03 on August 2, 2016.

Brett Wuth chaired the meeting. Minutes recorded by Brett Wuth.

[edit] Agenda

Moved by Nichole Boissoneault, seconded by Igor Gruijic that the Agenda be adopted as presented. Carried.

[edit] Past Minutes

Moved by Igor Grujic, seconded by Nichole Boissoneault that the minutes of the June 7, 2016 board meeting be adopted as presented. Carried.

Corrections to July 5 minutes: Nichole did not attend.

Moved by Igor Grujic, seconded by Frank Melo that the minutes of the July 5, 2016 board meeting be adopted as amended. Carried.

[edit] Incidents

We had a search in the South Castle on July 28. The critique will be this evening.

[edit] Administrator's Report

not available

[edit] Financial Statements

Igor presented the financial statements. No balance sheet was available.

Moved by Nichole Boissoneault, seconded by Igor Grujic that the Financial Statements be accepted as information. Carried.

[edit] Budget

Igor presented the draft 2016-2017 budget. The board discussed highlights, but did not have time to come to a resolution.

Igor will schedule a special board meeting in August to finalize the budget.

[edit] Provincial Expectations Strategy

Brett is working on a plan to implement to two forks of our strategy.

[edit] Equipment

The MCP was parked in the wrong spot because its normal spot was taken up upon return from the search. Because it was parked on the north fence, it was blocked in by worker's vehicles. Brian will work to move it back to the right spot. In the future we should put pilon in place when we take it so that the spot is not lost before we return.

The new stretcher was supposed to have already arrived. PCES found it stored on the mazzanine. It had not been addressed to PCSAR.

[edit] Liaison

Brett: no report.

[edit] Fundraising

Igor: nothing to report.

[edit] Training

We need to work on the application for the provincial training grant over the next month in conjunction with other SAR groups.

August 7 beginner tracker course in CNP.

At the August 9 BBQ, Sue will present on some of the preventive SAR programmes.

August 13 is a wilderness exercise hike up Livingstone Range.

August 18 the swiftwater rescue will practice with PCES's boat.

August 28-29 LASARA is hosting a 2 day mock search.

September 16-18 LASARA is hosting a CISM course.

[edit] Membership

Our last board member got their criminal records check forms to the RCMP.

[edit] Pre-Plan

At the last meeting the preplan committee practiced using the call-out system.

[edit] Technical Rescue

Brett: The swiftwater team inspected the PCES boat.

[edit] Call Out

no report

[edit] Audit

Igor: Igor, still has not been able to contact Linda McGarva

[edit] Technology

Brett: nothing to report

[edit] Prevention

Brett: nothing to report

[edit] Adjournment

Igor will schedule the next board meeting, possibly for August 16 at 17:30 at the Pincher Creek Fire Hall. The meeting after that will be September 6 at 17:30 at the Pincher Creek Fire Hall.

Moved by Frank Melo, seconded by Nichole Boissoneault to adjourn. Carried.

The meeting adjourned at 18:48.

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