2010-06-08 Rope Rescue training
Tuesday June 8, 2010
19:00 - 21:00 at the Fire Hall
Rope Rescue practice.
- Rappelling and Ascending
- (from BC PEP RRM Chapter 10)
- Understanding rappelling methods
- Outline the various belay methods
- Set up and operate various rappel devices
- Tie-off rappel devices
- Set up and operate Prusiks and mechanical devices for ascending
- Perform safety checks for rappelling / ascending systems
- built lower system with brake bar, main line and belay
- demonstrated ascending with prusiks and mechanical ascenders, down climbed
- demonstrated switch over to figure-8 descender, tie-off, and use.
- demonstrated safety check
- revealed difficulty using fall-arrest harness with ascenders
- revealed problem using 12.5mm rope with Petzl Stop