Board of Directors/2016-10-04


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Rough notes or formal minutes of the meeting.

Call to Order (Brett, 17:35, 1 min) Quorum Agenda (Brett, 17:31, 2 min) Additions to the Agenda Suggested motion: Moved by _John MacGarva_, seconded by Frank Melo that the Agenda be adopted as (presented). Minutes Minutes of 2016-09-06 meeting (Susanna, 17:33, 3 min) Errors or Omissions Suggested motion: Moved by _John MacGarva_, seconded by Frank Melo that the minutes of the September 6, 2016 board meeting be adopted as (presented). End of Term (Brett, 17:36, 5 min) Thanked group for their time serving on the board. Please review your Job Description and comment so as to update your role description Elections, CRG Running again Administrator's Report (Susanna, 17:41, 5 min) Financial Financial Statements (Susanna, 17:46, 10 min) Suggested motion: Moved by Igor Grujic, seconded by Nichole Boissonneault that the Financial Statements be accepted as information. Approval of cheques over $500 or outside budget (Susanna, 17:56, 3 min)

Amend the Budget to increase Postal Services to 300.00 Motioned by Brett Wuth Seconded Nichole Suggested motion: Moved by Nohole Boissonneault, seconded by John MacGarva that payment of $638.92 to Brett Wuth for _Refund of purchases be approved. Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that payment of $_______ to ________________ for _______________________ be approved. Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that payment of $_______ to ________________ for _______________________ be approved. Functional Area Reports Liaison (Brett, 17:59, 2 min) RCMP mtg Oct 5, CNP Fire Fundraising (Igor, 18:01, 15 min) well received but the council questioned why the Province wasn't paying more in light of their new requirements. Asked for $20,000.00 operating costs Town & MD Council presentation Provincial training grant Deadline was the end of September, Wilderness course, ATV and Team leader courses were asked but not likely granted Shell Social Investment Fund Allows only for capital purchases used to purchase a lap top ($700.) 2000 to be applied to solar panel 1500. Budget amended to allow for the 700.00 laptop Shell Community Service Fund application in Jan 2017 and this can be used training asking for $12,000 Suggested motion: Moved by Igor Grujic, seconded by __Frank Melo__ that the 2016-2017 Budget be amended to add the purchase of __________________________________________ at $_______. Training (Brett, 18:16, 5 min) Grizzly lake wilderness training Oct 8,2016 Gun or Bear Spray recomended Announcements Provincal SAR Training Russell Bruder is teaching. Some money available to help with your costs. SAR Fund course is running Oct 28-30 and Nov 18-20,2016 Mock Search Nov 19,2016 Nov 1,2016 AGM c/w potluck and training session. Membership Application Oli Larsen Criminal Records Review (Susanna, 18:21, 2 min) Equipment (Brian, 18:23, 7 min) Command post and Briefing trailer is moved to the Fire Hall. Briefing has the equipment trailer ball lock hitch. Key is located in the Truck c/w 3 other labelled keys. Who ever looks after the equipment the vehicles need to be started once a month. Both water system need to be drained and winterized with pink antifreeze. CN Signs have completed Signage and they will be affixed some time in the next week. Generator that Shell donated wasn't working right and Rite line did some work and cut his bill down to $430.00. Search for new committee members Pre-Plan (Brett, 18:30, 2 min) Critique Technical Rescue (Brett, 18:32, 1 min) Call Out -- no report Audit (Igor, 18:33, 1 min) Technology -- no report Prevention -- no report Strategic Planning (Brett, 18:34, 25 min) Adjournment (Brett, 18:59, 1 min) If needed, our Next Board Meeting will be briefly, November 1, 17:30 prior to the 18:00 AGM and social. Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ to adjourn.

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