SAR Fundamental/Day 6 start up/Content Review


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Student Name:


  • Which side is the left bank of a river?

  • On a topo map, would a route with multiple brown lines close together be a good choice? Explain.

  • What is talus?

  • Which parts of your body are most quick to suffer frostbite?

  • Name some necessary considerations when planning a snowmobile SAR response

  • Define probability of detection

  • Do inexperienced searchers tend to over estimate, under estimate, or correctly estimate their POD?

  • List two characteristic behaviours of hunters.

  • Typically will Alzheimer sufferers know that they are lost?

  • You have been called to help with a search. To whom do you first report when you arrive at the command post?

  • Can one person take on more than one role in ICS?

  • Name 3 things that you would fill out or ask on a briefing.

  • What should you do if a point of the briefing is not clear?

  • When is it okay not to follow directions from your team leader?

  • Should a team leader encourage team problem solving?

  • Personal tools