General Meetings/2016-11-01/Minutes
Annual General Meeting/2016-11-01/Minutes
For: Pincher Creek Search and Rescue
These minutes are in Draft form. They have not yet been adopted at General Meeting
In Attendance: Brett Wuth, Igor Grujic, Cindy Mauthe-Drake, Susanna MacGarva, John MacGarva, Frank Melo, Claus Burchert
1. Called to Order at 19:00 on November 1,2016-11-06 Quorum was established. Minutes were recorded by Susanna MacGarva.
2. Agenda Motion: Moved by Matt Lynch, seconded by Claus Burchert that the Agenda be adopted as presented. Carried
3. Minutes 1. Minutes of 2015-11-03 Annual General Meeting Motion: Moved by Matt Lynch, seconded by Claus Burchert that the minutes of the November 3, 2016 Annual General Meeting be adopted as presented. Carried 2. Minutes of 2015-12-01General Meeting/Minutes Motion: Moved by Matt Lynch, seconded by Igor Grujic that the minutes of the December 1, 2015 meeting be adopted as presented. Carried
4. President reviewed the schedule of upcoming events for November 2016.
Nov 5,16 Lethbridge mock using night searching techniques.
Nov 12,16 Monthly hike into Porcupines Hills Nov 17,16 Rope practice Nov 19,16 Mock Search, Waterton Park personnel are planning to join in; Jessie Gawne from RCMP will be attending.
5. Presidents Report (oral) Club is rebuilding slowly, challenge has been to manage the requirements that are coming out of the OFC, and Province. We have a core SAR group to meet the Provincial acceptations and will be forming a Community Response Group for those that still want to be involved with search and rescue but do not meet the new requirements. Next year we will move forward to start implementing these measures and form the “Community Response Group Society”. Brett said he expects that about 50% of our current membership will move into this group. The Town would like these two groups to be able to assist in “disaster response situations”. The plan is to have the Community Response in place by Jan 1,2017, with the formal SAR Group running both groups. PCSAR has a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Directors at Large. The Community Response Group will run with just a President, and Secretary/Treasurer. The model for using this group will be that the “Group” is never tasked, only individuals from this group will be tasked. Like a “Spontaneous Searcher”. Of course there is the hope that the members of the Community Response Group will become more interested, and complete the requirements for joining the core SAR Group.
5. National SAR Scene Conference attended by Matt Lynch reported as follows. Some of the other presentations were on: Lost Persons Behavior. Working with a volunteer board. Russell Bruder did a good presentation on Quad training. Rocky Mountain House did a good Rescue presentation. NB. They are MRA Certified. They are the only one in the province to be certified, and they have accomplished this on a shoe string budget.
Learning how the other teams do things and how to benefit from that.
Over all it was a good learning experience. Many in attendance were from the US. Next year’s conference is in Central Canada
6. Elections: Motioned by Brett Wuth that the “Election officer” is Matt Lynch.
Moved by Claus Burchert, seconded John MacGarva, that Matt Lynch operate as Election Officer,
1. President, Brett Wuth was elected by acclamation 2. Vice President no one was nominated 3. Secretary /Treasurer was elected by acclamation Igor Grujic 4. Directors at Large was elected by acclamation John MacGarva, and Frank Melo
At this time there was no one elected to stand as President or Secretary/Treasurer for the soon to be formed Community Response Group. An email will be sent out to group to ask if anyone will let their name stand for Vice President of our SAR group and will let their name stand as President, and Secretary/Treasurer for the Community Response Group. 7. This year’s Audit is being completed by Adam Grose and Cindy Mauthe-Drake. 8. Call for Committee Volunteers: Membership: Recruiting and Social Cindy Mauthe-Drake Preplan: Matt Training: Claus Burchert . Cindy Mauthe-Drake == Equipment: Bill Forsyth, Nichole Boissonneault will cover monthly maintenance of radios and batteries. Brian Balak (present Equip. Chair) is off to California until the end of February Call out: Sue Neumann and Pat Neumann Fundraising: Igor Grujic Technology: Matt Lynch, and Brett Wuth Prevention: currently a program called “Adventure Smart” offered by the Girl Guides, is presented by Sue Neumann 9. Adjournment: The next Annual General meeting is scheduled for November 6, 2017 at 18:00. Motion: Moved by Matt Lynch, seconded by Igor Grujic to adjourn at 19:50 Carried.