2017-03-11 Wilderness Exercise


Revision as of 22:54, 6 March 2017 by Brett Wuth (Talk | contribs)
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On Saturday March 11, we have a beginner snowshoe trip. Depending on weather and permissions, our destination is tentatively the South Castle beyond the Syncline Cross-Country Trail System. Snowshoeing is easy to learn and we'll have extra snowshoes if you don't have any. While we're out, we'll review firestarting skills. Friends, family, and members of other SAR Groups welcome. Meet us at 08:30 at Pincher Creek Fire Hall. Expect to be back in town late afternoon.


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File number

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Pincher SAR would like to have a wilderness exercise in the new Castle Park this Saturday March 11. We're wanting to snowshoe transiting through the west edge of the Syncline Cross-Country Trail System and then further up the South Castle valley following abandoned logging trails (not part of the formal trail system). While in the cross-country trail system, we'll talk about how to avoid impacting the skiers' tracks. Outside the cross-country trail system, we hope to stop and practice small fire starting. The intent is to practice safe basic skills, starting a fire in a winter wilderness setting. No large fire or bonfire would be created. All fires would be safely extinguished.


Record here who is interested in attending and indicate for each person whether they've been confirmed or declined, and attended/completed the event.


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To do

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