Board of Directors/2014-02-11/Minutes


< Board of Directors | 2014-02-11
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February 11, 2014
IN ATTENDANCE: Brett Wuth, Alieza Cyr, Ron Hann, Brain Balak, Cindy Drake, Yvonne
Cyr, Adam Grose
1. Call to Order – Alieza called the meeting to order at 19:15
2. Agenda
2.1. Additions to the Agenda
3.10 Access to Policies was added to the agenda.
3.11 Lawyers was added to the agenda
2.2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Business
3.1. Insurance Details
ACTION: Direct Administrator to get a copy of the Insurance Terms and Conditions of the
Insurance document to the Board.
3.2. Shell Blind Exercise
Brian made a motion that provisional upon SAR Alberta approval, PCSAR will pay PCSAR
members to attend the mock exercise with Shell, with the exact amount to be determined at a
later date, Cindy seconded.
ACTION: Brian to communicate with SAR Alberta regarding the monetary
reimbursement to PCSAR members to attend the Shell Mock Exercise.
3.3. Mentoring Program
AC TION: Direct the concept of a mentoring program to the membership committee.
ACTION: Develop Job Descriptions for Board Members.
3.4. I.D. Tags
ACTION: Talk to Charleen, see where we are at with these and restart the process if
required.3.5. Emergency Management Ideas – TABLED to next Meeting.
3.6. Phone Number
Brett made a motion to find a common administration phone number for PCSAR at a budget
of $300.00/year.
ACTION: Brett to look into setting-up an administration phone number.
3.7. New Member Orientation – Brief discussion
3.8. Policy for Invoices
Brett declared a conflict of interest stepping out of the meeting at 20:30.
Ron made a motion that pre-approved training expenses do not need to be re-approved by the
Board, Yvonne seconded.
Brett returned to the meeting at 20:42.
3.9. Cheques over $200.00
Brett made a motion to approve cheque number 1714, Cindy seconded.
Access to Policies
Brett made a motion that all policies adopted by the Board and General Membership be made
easily accessible to all of PCSAR Members, Cindy seconded.
Ask a lawyer what are the risks to PCSAR as a whole from incidents in searches including
ones that fall outside of the obligations in the MOA and the SOG mixing scenarios, further
what are the risks to the Board Members and what they need to do to have and maintain
ACTION: Have administrator contact Roy Davidson for advise an how to go about
engaging a lawyer on the above statement.
4. Other Business
5. Adjournment – Brett made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 21:18
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