Board of Directors/2014-04-01/Minutes


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April 1, 2014
INATTENDANCE: Brett Wuth, Yvonne Cyr, Alieza Cyr, Brian Balak, Brad Boese, Adam
Grose, Dick Burnham, Nicole Boissenault
Presentation by Fire Chief Dave Cox on the CASTLE MOUNTAIN AVALANCHE MAPS
1. Call to Order – Alieza called the meeting to order at 17:40
2. Agenda
2.1. Additions to the Agenda
Added the following to the agenda:
4.6.2 Approval of cheques over $200.00
Brian Balak chq #1738
Adam Grose chq#1737
4.6.3 Flood Expense
4.6.4 Audited Financial Statements
2.2. Approval of the Agenda
Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Brad Boese to approve the agenda as amended
3. Minutes
3.1. Approval of the Minutes
Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Yvonne Cyr to approve the March 4, 2014 Minutes
4. Business
4.1. Roles and Responsibilities of Board Members
To continue the task of self-evaluation and outlining the roles and duties of Board
Members and Committee Chairs Brett Wuth handed out sample job Descriptions and a
working paper to be completed by each one as they view and perform their duties. Brett
asked that they be completed and emailed to him within 2 weeks
ACTION: Board Members and Committee Chairs to complete job descriptions and email
to Brett Wuth by April 15, 20144.2 Lawyers Advice
Moved by Alieza Cyr, seconded by Brett Wuth that a committee of Brad Boese and Dick
Burnham find a lawyer to go over the MOA in regards to the December Search as requested
by the Membership
4.3 Shell Mock Update
Brett Wuth advised that he had received information and the date for the Shell Mock
exercise. He could not reveal the date, but said it would likely be a work day between
8:30 am and 2:00 PM, lunch will be provided any members who can participate contact
Brett and he will provide further information
4.4 Board Member Participation
As participation of those elected to the Board is required to operate efficiently and
attendance at all Board meetings is necessary the following motions were put forward
4.4.1 Attendance of Board Members
Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Brad Boese “the Board establishes the policy that all
PCSAR Board members are expected to attend all BOARD MEETINGS. If a Board Member
knows they cannot attend, they should inform the President prior to the meeting with a brief
statement of why they are not able to attend. Any Board Member, who is absent without notice
will be contacted by the President to discuss their obligation under this policy”
4.4.2 Board Member Attendance Requirements
Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Brad Boese “The Board establishes the policy that it will
deem ANY Board Member who has not attended the last Three (3) Board meetings to have
resigned from their position, unless the member makes an affirmative response to written
communication”. In accordance with the BYLAWS, at the next General Meeting an election
will be held to fill the vacant seat
4.4.3 Bylaw Amendment
Motion by Brett Wuth, seconded by Yvonne Cyr
At the next Annual General Meeting, a Special Resolution will be presented to amend Section
8 of the Bylaws by appending:
“Any director or officer who is absent from Three (3) Board Meetings in a row is deemed to
have resigned at the end of the third Board Meeting unless the Board Member makes an
affirmative response to written communication”
ACTION: Ensure that the General Membership is advised of the change in accordance
with the Bylaws, prior to the Next AGM.4.5 Financials
Adam reviewed the financial information sent out
4.5.1 Financial Statements
Moved by Nicole Boissenault, seconded by Brett Wuth to accept the financial statements as
4.5.2 Approval of Cheques over $200.00
Moved by Nicole Boissenault, seconded by Brett Wuth to approve payment of cheque #1724
INSOFAT COMMUNICATION $1,381.42; cheque #1737 Adam Grose $1,285.01 and cheque
#1738 Brian Balak $637.35
4.5.3 Flood Expense
Adam has received the cheque for the High River flood and requested information
as to whose personal vehicles were used, so he could reimburse the individuals for mileage. No
invoices had been received to date.
4.5.4 Audited Financial Statements
Adam advised that the auditor had to review some QuickBooks entries and that
he, Dick and the auditor would arrange to do that as soon as possible. Adam estimates that he
requires 10+ hours to complete the audit and his work on the year end government reports. The
consensus of the Board was that he would be paid for the required hours
Note: Brett advised he felt the Budget should be reviewed and revised at the next meeting.
5.0 New Members Application
Moved by Nicole Boissenault, seconded by Brad Boese that Adam Taylor’s application for
membership be accepted
Committee Reports
6.1 Fund raising: Eric Bruder is chairman, to be invited to provide reports to the Board
6.2 Training: Brett Wuth provides a written report. Highlights:
Shell Blind Mockup in April. Date will be provide only to those that can attend
during a work day
May Training SAR Dogs – Cindy
Wilderness First Aid – Claus
SAR fundamentals – postponed to fall
Need more Training Committee Members
No SAR Training Grant this year will be coming to Board for funds6.3 Membership The need of Police and Vulnerable checks was again discussed. They
are required under the SAR Contract. Alieza has letters available to take to the RCMP
by each individual member to have the checks completed. Members require two (2)
pieces of ID; one has to be picture ID. There are no costs for the checks.
6.4 Equipment: Brian reported that the batteries were dead in the Command Post when
he went to start it tonight. He will have Ron Hahn look at it and find the problem and
get it repaired. Brian has purchased an In Search Satellite for PCSAR and Four (4)
Avalanche kits. Discussion was held on how useful would the in search be and what a
subscription plan would cost for the operation of the unit.
Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Yvonne Cyr that the purchase of the INSEARCH unit and
Four (4) avalanche kits be approved in the amount of $637.35
Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Brian Balak that a subscription plan be purchased for the
use of the INSEARCH unit at the cost of $14.95 per month
6.5 Preplan Brett advised the committee is holding regular meetings, but there is nothing
to report at this time
6.6 Call out Sue Neumann advised that there had been some e mail problems on the last
search she would research them and advise the Membership committee of them
Other Business
8 Adjournment –
Moved by Brian Balak, seconded by Brett Wuth that the meeting adjourn at 18:39
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