Board of Directors/2017-10-31/Minutes


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Status of this document

This document is in creation. The minutes are being created on the fly.



Absent with Regret:

  • none

Quorum was achieved.


  • none


Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 15:55 on 2017-10-31 by Brett via e-mail. Brett recorded the minutes.

Budget Adjustments

At the last board meeting we reported that the financial statements for the 2016-2017 year end (August 31) did not show the same categories as were approved by the board in its budget. When the revised financial statements came out we would likely have some categories that were over budget. Our plan was/is to amend the 2016-2017 budget to approve any over budget categories, thus authorizing those expenses. We wanted to get all this done before the AGM and with enough time for the auditors to review the financial statements.

It took longer than we planned. The revised financial statements are almost complete. But we need to get the board's 2016-2017 budget amendments ASAP so that we can get the everything to the auditors right away.

So the revised Income and Expense statement is being provided now to allow a vote on the budget amendment. The latest Income and Expense statement for the 2016-2017 budget year was distributed. There are a few minor changes that Rose is currently working on. We'll distribute those when she's ready.

1/ The statement doesn't show the budget figures. Instead the current version of the 2016-2017 budget which was approved by the board on October 3 was distributed.

2/ There's $229.98 at the end of the statement for "Briefing trailer supplies", which hasn't yet been classified as to which budget category it falls in. It would be a combination of "Response Supplies" and/or "Vehicle Maintenance" depending on their nature.

The categories that are currently over budget are:

Satellite Communications budget $1500 actual $1509.14

Bank Service Charges budget $50.00 actual $137.40

Vehicle Maintenance budget $3000.00 actual $4,434.25 (or may be as high as $4664.23 depending on how the "Briefing Trailer Supplies" are classified)

The Administrator's Time is in total under budget: budget $11,250.00 actual $10,779.90. However some of the individual categories of the Administrator's time are over budget (while others are under budget).

Administrators Time - Board budget $1,158.00 actual $1,514.20

Administrators Time - Committee - Audit budget $180.00 actual $180.00

Administrators Time - Committee - Equipment budget $90.00 actual $0.00

Administrators Time - Committee - Fund Raising budget $450.00 actual $0.00

Administrators Time - Committee - Membership budget $1,458.00 actual $442.80

Administrators Time - Committee - Preplan budget $342.00 actual $0.00

Administrators Time - Committee - Training budget $738.00 actual $880.00

Administrators Time - President budget $480.00 actual $839.40

Administrators Time - Secretary budget $2,574.00 actual $2,798.70

Administrators Time - Treasurer budget $3,780.00 actual $4,124.80

Therefore to authorize the payments that were made in excess of the current 2016-2017 budget and to allow auditing to proceed, the following motion was presented.

Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Frank Melo that the 2016-2017 Budget be amended by

  • Increasing the "Satellite Communications" budget from $1500 to $1510,
  • Increasing the "Bank Service Charges" budget from $50 actual $140,
  • Increasing the "Vehicle Maintenance" budget from $3000 to $4,500,
  • Increasing the "Administrator for the Board" budget from $1,158 to $1,520,
  • Increasing the "Administrator for Training Committee" budget $738 to $880,
  • Increasing the "Administrator for the President" budget from $480 to $840,
  • Increasing the "Administrator for the Secretary" budget from $2,574 to $2,800,
  • Increasing the "Administrator for the Treasurer" budget $3,780 to $4,200,
  • decreasing the "Administrator for the Equipment Committee" budget from $90.00 to $0,
  • decreasing the "Administrator for the Fundraising Committee" budget from $450 to $0,
  • decreasing the "Administrator for the Preplan Committee" budget from $342 to $0, and
  • decreasing the "Administrator for the Membership Committee" budgetfrom $1,458 to $450.

In favour: Brett Wuth, Frank Melo, John MacGarva; no vote: Igor Gruijic. Carried.


The next regular Board Meeting is scheduled for December 5, 2017 at 17:30.

The meeting adjourned on 2017-??-?? at ??:??.

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