Personnel Database


Revision as of 21:08, 2 November 2017 by Brett Wuth (Talk | contribs)
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The Membership Database is used to keep track of PC SAR members.

The membership form that you fill out when you first join PCSAR and then keep updating at each meeting with your skills, equipment and participation is the source of information kept in the membership database.




The Membership Database is stored online as a number of sections in the secure portion of the wiki. All pages begin with "Members:" and thus are visible only to Members that have logged in.

Each member has their own wiki page. A section of that page is labelled "Membership record" and contains the XML snippet that describes their membership and participation in the organization.

As required by the Alberta Society Act, we similarly keep record of all past members.


These pages are marked as in the "MemRecord" category. If you are logged in, you can see a list of all such pages here.

The participation records are checked against a list of activities.


Participation tracking

It's a responsibility of each member to report their participation on their membership sheet. This includes for events where they've signed in on a sign-in sheet. Where possible we try to enter participation from the sign-in sheet, but it's the member's responsibility to make sure that the entry actually shows up on their membership sheet.

Tasks related to the membership database

The Membership Coordinator is responsible for the membership database. Parts of the work are fairly technical and have been delegated.

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