Board of Directors/2018-03-06/Minutes
Status of this document
This document is a draft. It has not yet been adopted by the board.
- Brett Wuth (President)
- Igor Grujic (Secretary/Treasurer)
- Frank Melo (Director at Large)
- Cindy Mauthe Drake (Director at Large)
- Rose Bonertz (Administrator)
Absent with Regret:
- None
Quorum was achieved.
- None
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Brett at 17:30. Rose recorded the minutes.
Moved by Igor Grujic seconded by Frank Melo that the Agenda be adopted as presented. Carried.
- Minutes of 2018-01-02 meeting (Rose)
- Moved by Igor Grujic, seconded by Frank Melo that the minutes of the January 2, 2018 board meeting be adopted as presented. Carried.
New Member Applications
- New Member Applications (Brett)
- Suggested motion: Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Cindy Mauthe Drake that the following applicants be approved as Associate Members of the Pincher Creek Search and Rescue Society: Carried
- Bree Kullman
- Suggested motion: Moved by Frank Melo, seconded by Igor Grujic that the following applicants be recommended as Members of the Community Response Group: Carried
- Celesa Horvath
- Bernice Cyr
- Suggested motion: Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Cindy Mauthe Drake that the following applicants be approved as Associate Members of the Pincher Creek Search and Rescue Society: Carried
Administrators Report
- Financial
- Financial Statements (Rose)
- Moved by Igor Grujic, seconded by Cindy Mauthe Drake that the Financial Statements be accepted as information. Carried.
- Approval of cheques over $500 or outside budget (Rose)
- Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Igor Grujic that payment of $1,977.64 to Rose Bonertz for Administrative Services in the months of December, January and February be approved. Carried.
- regional SAR meeting 2018-01-07, elections
- Brett will be attending this meeting in Lethbridge. Matt Lynch, the Deputy Director for the region, (a Pincher SAR member) is resigning. Brett may offer his nomination in order to ensure representation for this area. Igor may attend meeting with Brett.
Community Response Group
Brett met with Wanda in December and she would like PCSAR to continue to perform as the secretariat for them. It was agreed that we would make recommendations on new members applications for the Community Response Group, which means we will do the review and recommendation process.
This meeting is currently on hold due to conflicting dates. Brett, Wanda and Jeff Feist will be attending once a date is set. Brett will let everyone know which date so those who wish to attend may.
- The Shell application has not been submitted for the Community Response Group. Frank will look into this.
- First Aid after meeting tonight.
- January 13th and 14th is Avalanche Training
- Technical Rescue January 18th
- January 23-27th Canadian Military Winter Survival Training in Cold Lake, Alberta.
- March 2-4 and 16-18 SAR Basics in Lethbridge
- Next month Brett will be conducting a Preparing for Disaster training that will be open to the public.
No Chair-No report
No Chair however Frank indicated that he has no equipment concerns at this point. Frank will talk to Pat regarding plowing and ensuring vehicles are plugged in during extreme cold.
No report
Technical Rescue
No Report
Highest priority. The audit is very close to being completed. Due to some errors by administration corrections had to be made. Brett is working diligently to complete these so administration can complete the annual Charities Return.
Strategic Planning
- Brett stated the importance of new members. Asked Board for ideas on recruitment.
- New brochures and postures to be dispursed within the communities.
- Utilization of other Face Book pages ie; the area MD's
- Possible reward system as a motivator ie; Castle Mountain Ski Patrol offers daily ski passes.
Next Board Meeting: February 6, 2018
Moved by Frank Melo, seconded by Igor Grujic to adjourn. Carried.
Adjourned at 18:55.