Board of Directors/2017-03-21/Minutes


< Board of Directors | 2017-03-21
Revision as of 03:43, 29 October 2018 by Brett Wuth (Talk | contribs)
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[edit] Status of this document

This document is a draft. It has not yet been adopted by the board.

[edit] Attending


Absent with Regret:

  • none

Quorum was achieved.


  • none

[edit] Meeting

[edit] Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 15-58 on 2017-03-21 by Brett via e-mail. Brett recorded the minutes.

[edit] Administrator

Brett reported that the Search Committee had completed it's work. They received 12 applications, interviewed 5 candidate and were recommending one candidate to the board:

The recommended candidates cover letter, resume, interview notes and references checks were provided to the board members.

Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by John MacGarva, that the President be authorized to offer the part-time contract administrator position to the identified candidate and to negotiate a contract with the candidate at the rate of $20/hr.

In favour: Brett Wuth, John MacGarva, Igor Grujic. Did not vote: Frank Melo.


[edit] Adjournment

The next regular Board Meeting is scheduled for April 4, 17:30.

The meeting adjourned on 2017-03-23 at 23:00.

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