SAR Fundamental/Day 5 start up/Monitor


Revision as of 07:42, 8 December 2018 by Brett Wuth (Talk | contribs)
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Student Name:



  • If you are standing directly between two landmarks, can you use them to triangulate your position?

    Navigation/Map/Route Selection

    Your exam-style question:

    Your answer:

    Foot travel

    Your exam-style question:

    Your answer:


  • From which direction do you approach a helicopter?

    Lost person behaviour

  • List some of the people that may be contacted to get information on the lost person?


    Your exam-style question:

    Your answer:

    Search probability

    Your exam-style question:

    Your answer:

    Briefing debriefing

  • Who on the field team should participate in the briefing?

    Air observer

  • What type of spotting will the helicopter pilot be doing in an air observation mission.

    Team leader

    Your exam-style question:

    Your answer:

  • Personal tools