SAR Fundamental/Day 6 start up/Content Review


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  1. Can you use triangulation if you are in a thick forest and can only see one peak in front of you?

  2. How much time should you add to your journey for every 1000 feet (300m) that you go up?

  3. What do you shout if you knock loose rocks that tumble down a slope?

  4. Typically will Alzheimer sufferers know that they are lost?

  5. List some of the people that may be contacted to get information on the lost person?

  6. What is the worst time of day to track?

  7. You find a very clear set of prints of what you strongly suspect is the subject. What measurements would you communicate back to the command post?

  8. Do inexperienced searchers tend to over estimate, under estimate, or correctly estimate their POD?

  9. What is the area outside the search area called?

  10. What should you do if a point of the briefing is not clear?

  11. Who on the field team should participate in the briefing?

  12. Name some signals to keep an eye out for on the helicopter when looking at the ground?

  13. What is the primary responsibility of the Team Leader?

  14. When is it okay not to follow directions from your team leader?

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