Board of Directors/2019-06-26


< Board of Directors
Revision as of 02:30, 4 July 2019 by Sabrina Ryans (Talk | contribs)
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[edit] Status of this document

This document is official. It has been adopted by the board at the 2019-07-02 meeting. It can be amended at any board meeting.

[edit] Attending


Absent with Regret:

  • none

Quorum was achieved.


  • none

[edit] Meeting

[edit] Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 0722 on 2019-06-26 by Brett Wuth via email. Sabrina Ryans recorded the minutes.

[edit] Authorization of Payments over $500

Moved by Igor Grujic seconded by Claus Burchert for payment of $6253.72 as reimbursement for the purchase of hats, toques and jackets. Carried.

[edit] Adjournment

The next regular Board Meeting is scheduled for 2019-07-02 at 1730.

The meeting adjourned on 2019-06-26 at 2142.

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