Board of Directors/President/Job Description


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This page is based on the Role description template.

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[edit] Document status

Is this document a draft? Official?

This document is in APPROVED. It was adopted by the Board of Directors at the March 3, 2015 board meeting. It can be changed at any board meeting.

[edit] Position description

Summarize what the role does within the organization.

Makes sure that the search and rescue group is running as efficient as possible while providing leadership.

[edit] Responsibilities

List the major areas of responsibilities.

The President may designate another person to fulfill these responsibilities as needed.

To the degree required by Alberta law, assume shared legal responsibility for the actions of the organization. To protect the board member, the organization maintain Officer and Director Errors and Omissions insurance and an agreement with the province the limits conditions under which the society can be successfully sued.

The President is responsible for the smooth running of board meetings and meetings of the membership (such as the Annual General Meeting).

  • chairs the meetings
  1. Listening to the board.
  2. Showing strong leadership
  3. Listening and keeping peace between members.

Getting items done and moving forward at a good pace.

Keeping in touch with all members

The President speaks for the organization in dealing with people outside the organization, such as:

  • the media
  • the public
  • municipal, provincial, and federal governments and their agencies
    • such as Fire, EMS, Police, Parks
  • other SAR groups
  • SAR Alberta

In dealing with these "stakeholders", the President keeps them informed of our activities and needs, and maintains an understanding of what they want from us.

The President normally attends regional and provincial meetings, representing the organization.

The President overseen the work of the Administrator.

Prepare the way for the next President

  • Groom the Vice President to take on the President role in future terms or when the President is absent.
  • Keep the Vice President informed of all activities the President is doing
  • Walk the Vice President through the process that the President uses to complete work
  • Provide opportunities for the Vice President to perform some of the work that the President is doing (such as chairing meetings)
  • Document what the President learns, in a way that a future President will be able to use

[edit] Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, Time

List what knowledge, skills, abilities and time are required or desired.


  • expect to contribute approximately 20 hours each month


  • able to use the internet and be able to text or phone people
  • able to talk to people
  • able to use the wiki
  • understands enough of the formal rules of meetings (what is called "Parliamentary Procedure") to be able to apply them when necessary to keep meetings running smoothly, but dispense with them when they will not affect the outcome
  • understands the relationship between PCSAR and the organizations with which it works (suchs as other SAR groups, SAR Alberta, OFC, RCMP and other police forces, PEP, Federal Parks, PCES)
  • understands the legal structure of the society, and the legal framework under which SAR is conducted (e.g. differences between policies of PCSAR, SAR Alberta, the OFC, and various Tasking Agencies)


  • Skills in SAR such as a couple years of different trainings
  • Experience being on a committee
  • able to take advice and give it
  • public speaking
  • media relations

[edit] Resources

List what the organization supplies to help the person in this role.

  • Officer's Errors and Omissions liability insurance coverage
  • The President is able to consult with:
    • past presidents
    • board members
    • committee chairs
    • members.
    • other groups
    • our SAR Alberta regional representative
  • The Administer
  • the wiki