Financial/Gaming Proceeds Manager/Role Description
[edit] Document status
Is this document a draft? Official?
This document is a DRAFT. It has not yet been approved by the Board.
[edit] Position description
Summarize what the role does within the organization.
The Gaming Proceeds Manager develops and oversees a plan that meets AGLC requirements and Board goals for the Use of Proceeds from casinos. The Gaming Proceeds Manager is a volunteer assisting the Treasurer; if it is not filled the responsibilities fall to the Treasurer and may be delegated to the Administrator as fits their role descriptions.
There is a related but separate role of Casino Chairperson. Both roles may be undertaken by the same person.
[edit] Responsibilities
List the major areas of responsibilities.
- Understand AGLC policies on the Use of Proceeds and explain them to the Board, Treasurer, Administrator, Equipment Committee and Training Committee as needed
- Act as a co-signer on the Casino Account in accordance with Board authorization
- Ensure that transactions on the Casino Account meet AGLC requirements
- Working with the objectives set by the Board, propose a plan for Board approval for the use of Casino funds within the alloted time
- Monitor the execution of the plan and report periodically to the Board through the Treasurer
- Ensure all reports required by the AGLC are prepared on a timely basis
- Prepare any additional documents required by the AGLC for particular uses of proceeds (such as engaging an instructor, or requesting an extension)
- Liaise with AGLC staff
- Enable others to continue or build on your work as needed
- Deliver to the Treasurer/Board any recommended changes to this Role Description
- Create or update a manual of tasks, deadlines and strategies for this position.
- Ensure all correspondence and communications is archived in an accessible manner
- Provide and use contacts based on PCSAR's virtual office - e-mail, phone and postal
- Forward to the Administrator for archiving, copies of e-mail and paper correspondence received and sent or archive it yourself on the wiki
- Share your experiences with the Treasurer/Administrator and others that may take on this role in the future
- Attend meetings with the Treasurer/Administrator and/or Board when required.
- Report any anticipated difficulties in meeting AGLC requirements to the Treasurer/Administrator/Board on a timely basis.
[edit] Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, Time
List what knowledge, skills, abilities and time are required or desired.
Time: ?
- Familiar with AGLC requirements (training available)
- Detailed-oriented, to meet the AGLC's exacting policies
- Financial skills
- Able to monitor a budget and report on it.
Nice to have:
- Previous experience volunteering at an AGLC casino
[edit] Resources
List what the organization supplies to help the person in this role.
- AGLC website
- AGLC workshops
- AGLC on-line training
- AGLC staff
- The contracted Casino Advisor (when one is engaged)
- The Casino Chairperson
- The Administrator, the Treasurer, the President
- The PCSAR virtual office: e-mail, phone, postal
- The PCSAR wiki