Fund raising committee/Casino Chairperson/Role Description


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This page is based on the Role description template.

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[edit] Document status

Is this document a draft? Official?

This document is a DRAFT. It has not yet been approved by the Board or Fund Raising Committee.

[edit] Position description

Summarize what the role does within the organization.

The Casino Chairperson is a volunteer responsible for assuring that the organization successfully meets the AGLC requirements for running a casino benefiting the organization. This role is active from approximately 8 months before the next scheduled casino until a few weeks after the casino.

There is a related but separate role of Gaming Proceeds Manager. Both roles may be undertaken by the same person.

[edit] Responsibilities

List the major areas of responsibilities.

  • Review applications for the role of Casino Advisor and make recommendations to the Board on who a contract should be signed with.
  • Draft the updated casino application based on anticipated Use of Proceeds provided by the Gaming Proceeds Manager/Treasurer/Board. Ensure it is submitted by its deadline. ( )
  • Inform the Treasurer/Administrator of requirements to establish/maintain a Casino Account and the need to seed it with funds for anticipated expenses such as the Casino Advisor's fee
  • Ensuring the organization provides volunteers to staff its casino according to AGLC requirements.
    • Recommend to the Board an (update to) policy on casino volunteer expenses (mileage, accommodation, food, etc.) that meets AGLC requirements and is tuned to encourage sufficient participation
    • Prepare and distribute information for members and other potential volunteers about casino dates and volunteer expectations.
    • Recruit volunteers to fill all positions including backups in case of personal emergencies or SAR call-outs.
    • Ensure all volunteers meet AGLC requirements.
    • Ensure volunteer applications are submitted for approval by the AGLC according to their timeline requirements.
    • Ensure volunteers show up for the shifts and backups fill emergency shift vacancies as required.
    • Ensure volunteers are thanked in a meaningful way for working the casino
  • Maintain the casino license and bring it to casino for duration of casino.
  • Ensure the license application for the casino after this one is filed with the AGLC.
  • Ensure all purchase records (refreshments, food, etc) expensed at the casino are provided to the Treasurer/Administrator for payment and recording in the organization's books and records.
  • Ensure all records of travel/accommodation related to the casino meet AGLC requirements and are provided to the Treasurer/Administrator for payment and recording in the organization's books and records.
  • Enable others to continue or build on your work as needed
    • Recommend changes to this Role Description to the Board/Fundraising Committee
    • Create or update a manual of tasks, deadlines and strategies for this position.
    • Ensure all correspondence and communications is archived in an accessible manner
      • Provide and use contacts based on PCSAR's virtual office - e-mail, phone and postal
      • Forward to the Administrator for archiving, copies of e-mail and paper correspondence received and sent or archive it yourself on the wiki
    • Share your experiences with other Fundraising Committee Members
  • Attend meetings of the Fundraising Committee and/or Board when required.
  • Report any anticipated difficulties in meeting the casino requirements to the Board and Fundraising Committee on a timely basis.

[edit] Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, Time

List what knowledge, skills, abilities and time are required or desired.

Time: ?


  • Previous experience volunteering at an AGLC casino
  • Able to engage and encourage volunteers
  • Familiar with AGLC requirements (training available)
  • Detailed-oriented, to meet the AGLC's exacting policies

[edit] Resources

List what the organization supplies to help the person in this role.