2000-12-05 being in charge/Lesson plan


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[edit] Subject

What is this lesson plan about?

[edit] Authors

List who wrote this lesson plan.

[edit] Scope

What is included in this lesson, what's not and why.

[edit] Prerequisites

What should students already know/have accomplished before the lesson is presented.

[edit] Objectives

At the conclusion of this lesson the participants:

  1. will be able to ...

[edit] Time Plan

Total Time: ?? minutes

Time Material


3 min

Introduce topic title

Introduce Instructor

Present Objectives


instructional points in normal font

aids, exercises, activities in italic

[edit] Aids

What materials are needed or useful in presenting this lesson.

[edit] Question bank

List of questions suitable for an review/exam of this section.

[edit] Frequently Asked Questions

What are some of the questions that students typically ask. Include the answers.

[edit] Feedback

When has this lesson been presented. What was the feedback.

[edit] License

What can others do with this lesson?

Recommended license below. Fill in the year and the author's name(s):

Copyright © YEAR, Author. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 Canada License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/ca/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.

[edit] Reference Material

If you need to cite sources, do so here.


[edit] Notes

Any additional notes, etc.

* know your limits
  * communicate limits
* span of control
* re-read chapter 3

* "in charge"
  responsibility, control, supervision
* The ICS
* everyone is in charge of something
* everyone has someone who is in charge of them
* standing orders
  * e.g. media policy
  * safety
    * if you see something is unsafe
        don't just mutter that that isn't right.
      * You have a responsibility
        * to fix it yourself, if the matter is normally your responsibility
        * to bring it to the attention of the person in charge of it
        * to bring it up to your commander
* difference between operational and non-operational situation
* prioritization
* delegation
  * bringing in people / releasing people
  * assigning responsibilities
  * briefing/debriefing
  * monitoring
* transfer of charge
  * let everyone know
    * below
    * above
    * beside
* scope of charge
  * keeping track of responsibilities
  * explicit responsibilities
  * extending scope
  * implicit responsibilities
    * safety
    * e.g. someone comes to you about some other matter
        Do you send tell them who to look for, send them on their way
        and ignore all else.
        What if that other person has disappeared?
        What if the person in command above you has disappeared?
  * non-responsibility, usurping decisions

* Role Play Incident
  - time: Summer 2001
  - Location
    area of Santa Rita, Montana
    north of
    Cut Bank, Montana
    Population: 4000
    Service community for local ranching and Blackfeet Indian Reservation
         Highway 6 to US border
         to Browning
         Montana Highway 2 to Cut Bank
         travel time: 2 hrs
         Ranching country, rolling hills, coulees, light brush
  - Incident
    - Missing: Cindy Haddock
        Age 8
        lives on a ranch
    - Incident History
      Cindy was discovered missing at supper time, Thursday evening.
      Neighbours were contacted.
      She was last seen by the house, in the mid afternoon.
      By evening an informal search started with friends and family.
      Search continued through the night; the sheriff's department was contacted.
      Friday morning, a larger search was started, involving neighbours,
      family, sheriff's deputies.
      Friday noon a neighbour decides to call a relative in PC SAR
    - Lost Person's story
      Cindy, intent on visiting a friend 2.5 miles away, despite being told not to the previous day.
      Scared off road by a wandering dog, runs away into coulee.
      Tries climbing out, slips, breaks ankle.
      Crawls into Saskatoon bushes out of fear from dog.
      Semi-conscious through night and next day until found.
  - Story Line
    - The Players
      - Cindy Haddock
      - Norman/Norma New Guy
      - Paul/Paula President
      - Michael/Michelle Manager
      - Oscar/Olive Operations Chief
      - Lorne/Lorna Logistics Chief
      - P/P Planning Chief
      - Sam/Samantha Sheriff
      - Tim/Tammy Team Leader
      - Sean/Shauna Searcher
      - Billy/Billy Billigerent
    - First Call
      Norman/Norma Newguy, newly joined PC SAR.
      Has been talking to cousin about PC SAR.
      Cousin is neighbour at Santa Rita.
      Cousin calls Norman
      - What does Norman do?
      - What is Norman in charge of?
      - Who does he report to?
      - Could he decide not to follow up?
    - Response Evaluation
      - Who makes the decision?  Search Manager or Group President
      - Who is the tasking agency?
        - Could it be the family?
      - What if the call were to further away?
    - Accepting the Tasking
      - What's the change in who you're reporting to?
    - The Call-Out
      - Delegating the call-out duty
        - who reports to who?
        - what is the scope of their charge?
      - Who goes?
    - Travelling to the site
      - Who's over-all in charge?
      - What are the responsibilities?
    - Arriving at Site
      - where do you fit into the ICS?
      - what do you do?
      - what are your responsibilities while waiting for assignment?
    - Installing Overhead Team
      - the search is currently undirected
      - How to decide to take on a charge not delegated?
    - Expanding the Overhead Team
      - Delegation to Logistics / Operations / Planning Chief
      - Further Delegation: e.g. Radio / Field Commander / Medical Planning
      - When to bring in people?  Release?
      - Responsibilities of supervisor?
      - Is supervisor no longer responsible for area?
      - assigning responsibilities
      - briefing/debriefing
      - monitoring
    - A Team in the Field
      - Who is in charge of the team?
      - What are the individual team members in charge of?
      - Where do they fit in the ICS?
      - notion of Delegation
        - Briefing
        - Action
        - Debriefing
    - Hand-over in Overhead Team...
      - New Operations Chief moves in
      - New Search Manager
      - What do you do?
        - brief the new person
        - let everyone know
          - below
          - above
          - beside
    - Difficulties in the Field
      - Belligerent searcher
        - local insists on searching outside of the area
        - how does the team leader handle?
      - what are the problems of challenging the person in charge?
      - what do you risk?
      - when is it appropriate to challenge the person in charge?
      - what are ways of handling it?
      - The team leader becomes sick
      - How do you transfer charge?
      - Communications with Overhead Team fails
      - Who is in charge?
      - How to transfer no formal transfer of charge?
    - The Lost Person is Found
      - becomes a medical incident
      - transfer of charge
    - Is the Operation over?
    - What things must be managed?