Members:2014-02-17 South Castle snowmobilers/Critque/Sug/0015


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 Members:2014-02-17 South Castle snowmobilers/Critque/Sug/0015

Description  once the family is engaged determine what requests they have made of others or that any future actions taken by them be reviewed with the Overhead team prior to implementation

Difficulty to implement  done

Full page name  Members:2014-02-17 South Castle snowmobilers/Critque/Sug/0015

Sequence number  15

Value to PCSAR mandate  medium

Committee handling  Suggestion/Committee/List/preplan +

Suggestion list  2014-02-17 South Castle snowmobilers/Critque +

Categories  Committee preplan +, Difficulty done +, Suggestion +, Value medium +


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