Members:Critiques/2012-04-25 Honda CRV/Suggestions/Sug2/Sug2


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 Members:Critiques/2012-04-25 Honda CRV/Suggestions/Sug2/Sug2

Description  Spontaneous Volunteers There were somewhere between 60-150 spontaneous volunteers which participated in this search. How do we improve communication between the spontaneous volunteers and PCSAR, and other responding organizations? Was well handled

Difficulty to implement  done

Full page name  Members:Critiques/2012-04-25 Honda CRV/Suggestions/Sug2/Sug2

Sequence number  2

Value to PCSAR mandate  none

Committee handling  Suggestion/Committee/List/preplan +

Suggestion list  Critiques/2012-04-25 Honda CRV/Suggestions/Sug2 +

Categories  Committee preplan +, Difficulty done +, Suggestion +, Value none +


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