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How to Safely Use Silicone Drildos

Using sex toys incorrectly can be dangerous. Accidents involving sex toy toys send thousands of people to the emergency room every year. Don't become a statistic; make wise choices.

Only purchase dildos that are made of substances that are safe for the body, such as glass or medical-grade silicone. Avoid anything containing toxins or other dangers.

Water-based fluid

Applying a water-based oil to silicone dimples is safe and won't damage the materials. It is gentle on the skin. It is crucial to select a lubricant that doesn't contain GMOs or petroleum byproducts. Some manufacturers even include a sample of a water-based lubricant with the toy, so that you can test it out yourself.

Silicone is used in many of the most well-known personal care fluids. However, it is important to remember that not all silicone lubes are created to be the same. Certain lubricants may break down silicone toys. It is best to apply a lubricant that is water-based them.

If you're choosing a lube that is water-based it is important to determine whether it contains glycerin in it. This ingredient can help the lubricant retain its shape over time and stay slick. Glycerin tastes sweet. If you're concerned about your safety, be sure you select a water-based lube with no any additional fragrances or flavors.

If you want an authentic feel, choose dildos made of superior silicone. For example, the Tantus O2 line of dildos uk has a firm dual-density core as well as an outer layer of softness. Vixen Creations also offers dildos that feel like a real penis. No matter what type of silicone you're using, it's best to not use too much because it can cause the toy overheat.

Attachments or attachment clasps

Look into a dildo with straps to attach or harness if you wish to enjoy hands-free stimulation. These accessories will allow you to play with the dildo with a partner and increase your senses. These accessories can also help protect your body from abrasions while inserting. A harness will prevent your dildo from sliding down and will secure it in position when you play. Some harnesses include the option of locking to prevent accidental locking and release.

Choose a dildo constructed of high-quality silicone to get a soft silky feel. This material is gentle on your body and durable enough for regular use. It's also easy to clean and resistant to most lubricants. Dildos with higher quality tend to be more expensive, but they have a longer warranty and lower maintenance costs.

Avoid toys made from PVC TPR, PVC jelly or rubber. These materials are pliable and phthalate-leaching. Jelly silicones are typically opaque and flimsy, but some companies will label them with words such as "Real Feel" or "Skin." You'll want to steer clear of these types of toys as much as is possible.

Silicone is the most commonly used and the best material for sexually explicit toys. It is non-porous, and free of phthalates, latex and phthalates. The best quality is identified with 100 100% body-safe silicone. You must always clean your toys thoroughly before and after use. Don't give them to strangers.


Many sex toys are made of porous materials which can permit the growth of harmful microorganisms. These toys may be contaminated by bacteria or other harmful substances, particularly when exposed to extreme heat and strong cleaning agents. To reduce the likelihood that these substances can spread, store your sex toys in an airtight box. It is also recommended to use a soft cloth to clean them off using the mixture of lukewarm water and 10 bleach solution or isopropyl alcohol.

Other nontoxic materials are also a possibility. Silicone is the most popular and affordable material to make body-safe sexual toys. For instance toys made of soft TPR/TPE or phthalate-free PVC are usually thought to be good choices since they are free of latex and hypoallergenic. However, these materials are not as durable and can degrade over time.

If you want a harder sexual toy, consider Dragon Skin or Ecoflex. These silicones are soft and more flexible than PDMS. They come in different pot life and cure time options to fit your specific workflow. Dragon Skin is a popular choice for hard sex toys, such as G-spots and dual-density cores and Ecoflex is a great choice for softer toys that have more realistic dimensions.

The right type of silicone will enhance the pleasure of your dildo and make it last longer. The silicone vibrating dildo kit can be found in a range of colors including skin tones. They can be paired with a vibrator for extra orgasms. Some sex toys manufacturers include a small sample of lubricant that comes with every kit.


A silicone dildo, also referred to as a dong is a fun toy specifically designed for penetration and internal stimulation. They can be played with by themselves or with a partner to play in a private setting, Dong and are available in a variety of lengths to satisfy your requirements. Some are designed for elongated inserts, while others feature an internal core that simulates the erection to encourage exploration and increase sexual pleasure. Silicone Dildos are smooth in their surface, which is easy to clean. They are also non-porous and safe for sensitive skin. They're also more durable and can last longer than other kinds of sex toys.

Some silicone dildos include additional features to enhance your enjoyment. They include soft textures and thick fabric to protect your skin and shield the delicate mechanisms of the toy from body fluids and other fluids. Make sure you choose items labeled platinum cure silicone or medical grade silicone. This indicates they are safe to use.

It is also important to consider the hardness of a toy and whether it is compatible with other accessories, like harnesses or mounts for hands-free entry. You should always review the owner's manual to find specific care instructions, and avoid using any product that could cause damage or harm to your new toy. Also, you should review the warranty information for your purchase. Most manufacturers offer warranties of between 90 days and a year, but you'll need to register your item with them to claim any repairs or replacements.

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