Board of Directors/2019-06-04/Minutes


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== Status of this document ==
== Status of this document ==
This document is NOT Official. This document has been adopted by the board at the {{link|Board of Directors/}} meeting. It can be amended at any board meeting.
This document is Official. This document has been adopted by the board at the {{link|Board of Directors/2019-07-02}} meeting. It can be amended at any board meeting.
== Attending ==
== Attending ==
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'''Moved''' by Brett Wuth, seconded by Igor Grujic that the Agenda be adopted as amended. Carried.
'''Moved''' by Brett Wuth, seconded by Igor Grujic that the Agenda be adopted as amended. Carried.
'''Moved''' by Igor Grujic, seconded by Brett Wuth that the minutes of the 2019-05-07 board meeting be adopted as presented. Carried.
'''Moved''' by Igor Grujic, seconded by Brett Wuth that the minutes of the 2019-05-07 board meeting be adopted as presented. Carried.

Current revision

[edit] Status of this document

This document is Official. This document has been adopted by the board at the 2019-07-02 meeting. It can be amended at any board meeting.

[edit] Attending


Absent with Regret:

Quorum was achieved.

[edit] Meeting

[edit] Call to Order

Meeting was called to order Igor Grujic at 1735. Sabrina Ryans recorded minutes.

[edit] Agenda

Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Igor Grujic that the Agenda be adopted as amended. Carried.

[edit] Minutes

Moved by Igor Grujic, seconded by Brett Wuth that the minutes of the 2019-05-07 board meeting be adopted as presented. Carried.

[edit] New Member Applications

None to report. Some interest from public via email and personal conversations.

[edit] Incidents

None to Report

[edit] Financial

Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Igor Grujic that the Financial Statements be accepted as information. Carried.

Moved by Igor Grujic, seconded by Brett Wuth that payment of $632.89 to Sabrina Ryans for administrator's services from April 16-May 15, 2019 be approved. Carried.

Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Igor Grujic to authorize the administrator to purchase ink for PCSAR's printer and bankers boxes for administration up to a maximum of $300 using the PCSAR credit card. Carried.

Action Treasurer and Administrator will look into policy and procedure options for future purchases.

Action Treasurer will circulate 2018/19 budget for review by Board and make recommendations for the 2019/20 budget to be proposed at August 2019 board meeting. Future budgets will include a 2-3 year Casino Funds budget.

[edit] Functional Area Reports

Liaison: Moved by Igor Grujic and seconded by Brett Wuth that Brett Wuth be authorized to vote on behalf of Pincher Creek Search and Rescue at the June 2019 Search and Rescue Alberta AGM. Carried.

Fundraising: Nothing to Report.

Training: Pincher Creek SAR Basics Course will run in Spring 2020 to limit conflict with Lethbridge SAR's course in Fall 2019. Action: Dates will be circulated once confirmed. Action: Brett Wuth to connect with Rocky Mountain House SAR for guidance for planning Helicopter training.

Membership Committee: Nothing to Report.

Equipment: T-shirt, Hat & Jacket order almost ready to order. Action Brett Wuth will re-circulate the costs for purchases to board as information.

Pre-Plan: No meeting in May. Nothing to Report.

Technical Rescue: No meeting in May.

Call Out: No calls.

Audit: Nothing to Report.

Technology: Nothing to Report.

Prevention: Nothing to Report.

[edit] Strategic Planning

Action: Igor Grujic will follow-up with current Associate Members as to training needs and to invite increased participation.

Action: Igor Grujic will invite Wanda to 2019-07-02 meeting to discuss participation and needs for Community Response Group.

[edit] Other Business

  • PCSAR was approached by a research team from Norquest College seeking to engage members of PCSAR to join a focus group. Study will prepare recommendations to improve the effectiveness of Search & Rescue volunteer organizations. Action Sabrina Ryans will contact researchers to secure a date and communicate with PCSAR membership regarding date for focus group and any additional information.

[edit] Adjournment

Next Board Meeting: 2019-07-02 at 1730 Moved by Igor Grujic seconded by Brett Wuth to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 18:50.

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