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Current revision (14:13, 17 November 2008) (edit) (undo)

Current revision

The Membership Database exists as an XML file which is edited with a text editor.

BrettWuth plans to create a java application that will structured editing of the database using a graphical user interface.

[edit] Tasks:

(Castor)* (done) download and install Castor

  • No package available* 3rd party debian package


deb [1] ./

deb-src [2] ./

Matches: castor (all)

apt-get install castor

  • direct documentation





  • (done) test castor
  • (done) read doc/SourceGeneratorUser.pdf* (done) get examples/SourceGenerator to compile and


  • (done) test and document my test procedures starting with

[] see [4]* (done) submit changes to examples/SourceGenerator to castor see [5]

  • (done) resubmit patch against 0.9.6

see [6]

  • (done) update my page for new patch, new issue page

see [7]

  • (done) install castor
  • (done) files placed in //errant/home/wuth/src/castor* (done) find/create script to run SourceGenerator :

CastorSourceGenerator* (done) create test case in //errant/home/wuth/sar/pc/membership/editor

  • (done) reread doc/SourceGeneratorUser.pdf* (done) compile:
          test/*.java test/types/*.java
  • (done) load personnel-database.xml and print name of each

person see examples in []

currently offline. see []


  • use castor to validate the database
  • (done) validation occurs, supported automatically* develop error reporting
  • (done) define types of errors that are typical
  • (done) define details that should be reported* see

//errant/home/wuth/sar/pc/membership/editor/validation.txt* (done) develop test cases

  • see

//errant/home/wuth/sar/pc/membership/editor/validation-test-cases/* (done) consider value of using Java 1.4 which supports Throwable.getCause()

  • does not add any specifity* if need more detail need to enhance or replace org.xml.sax* consider using separate schema validation phase, separate from

castor (unmarshaller)

  • see [file:///home/wuth/xml/msv/msv-20030225/JARV.html]* generate full detail error messages
  • output each line of the input file* number each line of the input file* add error line (normally blank) and blank line between each

line of input file* print carat and dashes point at line and character found* print detailed error message* determine reporting gaps

  • document the error produced by each test case (See howtodo file

for how to generate error output. See validation.txt)* review cases that don't produce an error* consider if enough information is available to report o user* mitigate gaps

  • capture exceptions and customize error message
  • see* ask on castor users' mailing list* Create a java GUI for the validator
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