SAR Fundamentals/Navigation instruments theory


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(Time Plan)
Line 288: Line 288:
remembering a UTM: sufficient
remembering a UTM: sufficient
{{lesson plan||5 min 5,6}}
{{lesson slide||5 min 5,6}}
'''Significant configuration settings'''
'''Significant configuration settings'''
Line 304: Line 304:
** Pincher SAR maps generally NAD27
** Pincher SAR maps generally NAD27
{{lesson plan||9 min}}
{{lesson slide||9 min}}
'''configure a particular model for local SAR usage'''
'''configure a particular model for local SAR usage'''
Line 313: Line 313:
'''Help students to configure if their particular model not same as PCSAR GPS''
'''Help students to configure if their particular model not same as PCSAR GPS''
{{lesson plan||23 min}}
{{lesson slide||23 min}}
'''Reading a UTM'''
'''Reading a UTM'''
Line 337: Line 337:
* assist students that don't have Pincher SAR GPS
* assist students that don't have Pincher SAR GPS
{{lesson plan||10 min}}
{{lesson slide||10 min}}
'''Manual determination of Distance and Direction'''
'''Manual determination of Distance and Direction'''
* use map
* use map
Line 352: Line 352:
* map/calculation: 129 degrees 661m
* map/calculation: 129 degrees 661m
{{lesson plan||10 min}}
{{lesson slide||10 min}}
'''Choosing a GPS'''
'''Choosing a GPS'''
Discuss GPS model selection/shopping
Discuss GPS model selection/shopping

Revision as of 01:55, 30 December 2012

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What is this lesson plan about?

This lesson gives the students a theoretical (class room) understanding of the instruments that they may be using in the field to aid navigation.

The instruments covered are:

  • compass
  • GPS
  • altimeter
  • stride tally counter

For each instrument, the theory of how it operates is discussed along with how to select an instrument for purchase.


List who wrote this lesson plan.

  • Brett Wuth


What is included in this lesson, what's not and why.

SAR Fundamentals Ch.13 "Navigation"
Basic SAR Skills Manual: Ch.7 "Navigation"
stride count

Only basic use of a GPS is shown. Advanced features such as waypoints, tracks and maps are left to another lesson beyond the SAR Fundamentals course.

  • Waypoints are not an essential skill for using GPS. Students should be recording locations on paper, and should be able to estimate relative direction and distance to a new location.
    • This material can be covered in additional material presented by a SAR group outside the SAR Fundamentals course.


What should students already know/have accomplished before the lesson is presented.

Prior to this lesson, students should have already been introduced to the following concepts:

  • direction measured in degrees
  • directions measured from True North (this lesson will introduce declination and magnetic north)

Parts of a compass which can be used on a map

  • straight edge
  • ruler
  • rotatable bezel and interior north-south lines
  • roamer
  • magnifying lens

Specifying a location in UTM

  • the three components of a UTM: Zone, Easting, Northing
  • map datums: NAD27 vs WGS84
  • the 6 digit short form of UTM


  • contour lines


At the conclusion of this lesson the participants will be able to:

  1. explain how a GPS works
  2. identify purposes for which a GPS is sufficient, a help, not useful
  3. identify circumstances under which a GPS may fail
  4. identify the significant configuration options of most GPS models
  5. identify when to use NAD27 vs. NAD83/WGS84
  6. configure a particular model for local SAR usage
  7. read a UTM off a particular model and translate that to and from the UTM notation used with topographic maps.
  8. determine the UTM of the location where they are at and the accuracy of their reading
  9. given a destination UTM know what direction and distance to go to get to it

Time Plan

Total Time: 90 minutes

Time Material


3 min

Introduce topic title

Introduce Instructor

Present Objectives



SAR workers use navigation instruments to make measurements in the field.

The measurements are used to calculate your location or that of other things.

The four instruments we will discuss:

  • compass
  • GPS
  • altimeter
  • pace counter

No one instrument is perfect. Each is better in some circumstances.

Each instrument has a different way of failing.


So far having been using the compass on the map.

Can also be used in the field. Because of magnetic needle.

Magnetic North, Declination

The needle of the compass points in the direction of Magnetic North.

This is not the same as True North.

The difference between True North and Magnetic North is called Declination.

It's expressed in degrees and fractions of degrees (minutes).

If Magnetic North is to the west of True North, the declination is degrees WEST. Opposite is degrees EAST.

What direction is Magnetic North?

Magnetic North points in the direct of Earth's North Magnetic Pole.

It's also somewhat altered by regional geomagnetic features.

The North Magnetic Pole isn't the same location as the north pole.

North Magnetic Pole is currently (2012) 85.9 deg N 147.0 deg W northwest of of the tip of Ellsmere Island.

It moves. About 55 km closer to Russia each year.

Finding declination

Declination changes from year to year.

It also changes from area to area.

Because North Pole and the North Magnetic Pole appear further apart or closer together depending on where you are located.

In our area, declination increases:

  • the further west you go
  • or the further north you go
  • Pincher Creek has about half a degree more declination than Lethbridge.
  • Banff is about one degree more declination than Pincher Creek.
  • Pincher Creek, February 2020: 13 deg 38' E
  • Lethbridge, February 2020: 13 deg 12' E
  • Banff, February 2020: 14 deg 36' E

Look up online Declination:

Calculation on topo maps is old, not accurate.

Ask the person briefing you.

Compass failures

Compasses don't work:

when there's magnetic distrubances

  • other magnets nearby
  • things that generate magnetic fields
    • power lines
    • generators, electric motors

attracted to certain metals (iron, nickel, cobalt, alloys like steel)

  • don't hold close to building, vehicle, belt buckle

when the needle doesn't settle

  • don't use when vibrating, turning

when the needle scrapes the housing

  • doesn't work close to magnetic poles because needle points down
  • the further from the equator, the more the magnetic field points down
  • compass needles are built for zones
    • don't use a compass from the southern hemisphere in the northern hemisphere
  • unless compass has "Global" needle bearings

Choosing a compass

Features to look for in compass:

  • straight edge
  • ruler (scale)
  • bezel (barrel) in 360 degrees (not 4 x 90 degrees, mils, or named directions)
  • roamer
  • nice: magnefying lens
  • sighting mirror
    • sighting line
    • sighting notch
      • nice: both top and bottom of mirror
  • setable declination
  • needle zones (nice: Global)
  • nice: luminous
  • nice: clinometer

Good compasses:

  • Silva Ranger
  • approx $70

2 min

Determine experience level of students.

  • Who uses GPS regularly?
  • Who is comfortable reading UTM's off a map?
  • Recruit more advanced students to assist in illustrating material.

3 min

How a GPS works

3 major components

  • 1. radio receiver
    • compares time for radio signal to arrive from satellites
    • receives information on satellite locations
    • optional WAAS: receives corrections to satellite location, signal distortions
  • 2. computer
    • computes where GPS currently is (needs 4 separated satellites)
      • 10-15m accuracy
      • applies corrections: ~ 1m accuracy
    • records where GPS has been
    • allows entry of remote locations
    • calculates distance and direction between points
    • calculate speed/time
    • draw a route on a map
    • place points on map
  • 3. magnetic sensor (only some models)
    • determines direction GPS is facing
    • GPS without magnetic sensor tells what direction GPS has moved, but not direction GPS is facing
    • test GPS by turning it. Does the direction arrow change?

10 min

'How a GPS fails

radio signal not received from 4 satellites

  • heavy tree cover
  • blocked view of sky (hills, mountains, building)
  • blocked view of geosynchronous WAAS satellites (32 deg elevation around Pincher Creek)
    • North America only
  • satellites not in right positions (below/at horizon, clustered)
  • satellites not working/disabled (military selective availability)
  • radio interference (jamming; spoofing)
  • multipath (reflected) signals[3]
  • weather does not affect signal

computer fails

  • batteries (-15C)
  • temperature (too hot)
  • water/condensation (if not sealed)
  • electromagnetic interference (industrial sites)

magnetic sensor fails (same as compass)

  • metal (belt buckles, cars)
  • magnetic fields (power lines)
  • magnetic anomalies (far north)

4 min

Alternatives/Aids to GPS

  • location: dead recogning / distance-bearing / triangulation
  • recording: paper
  • distance/direction: subtraction & estimation; plot on map
  • map (better choice)
  • bearing: compass (better choice)

7 min 7,6,

When is a GPS sufficient/help/not helpful discuss examples, compare with other alternatives

determine location when at

  • hill top: +
  • valley bottom: depends on tightness
  • heavy trees: depends on type of trees, wetness
  • canyon: -
  • south side of a lone hill: +
  • north side of a lone hill: poorer -- no WAAS
  • downtown city: poor : multipath
  • under power lines: +
  • heavy fog: +
  • blizzard: +

determine direction/distance to

  • known UTM: sufficient
  • some place you can see: not helpful or only poor with magnetic sensor
  • some place you've been: sufficient if you took a waypoint
  • a LatLong: sufficient
  • a street address: for street GPS

route selection: poor unless street

remembering a UTM: sufficient

5 min 5,6

Significant configuration settings

Most GPS's allow you to configure:

  • True North vs. Magnetic North
    • use True North
    • GPS's don't generally allow you to set declination to exact same value used on compasses.
  • UTM vs. Lat / Long
    • UTM generally used by SAR
  • Map Datum: NAD27 vs NAD83/WGS84
    • measurement of the shape of the Earth
    • NAD - North American Datum
    • WGS - World Geodetic Survey
    • should use same as the topo map being used
    • Pincher SAR maps generally NAD27

9 min

configure a particular model for local SAR usage

Handout PCSAR GPS Configuration sheet

Exercise: Students configure their GPS

'Help students to configure if their particular model not same as PCSAR GPS

23 min

Reading a UTM

Assume students have basic background in UTM

  • Distribute: topo maps
  • ZEN (Zone Easting Northing)
  • long form of numbers
    • read off corner of topo maps
    • northing: number of meters north of the equator
    • easting: number of meters east of imaginary zone line (500km center line)
    • converting to short form
  • Read the current/last known UTM
    • last location where GPS was turned on and could see satellites
    • instructions on front of Pincher SAR GPS's
    • determining accuracy
      • Garmin eTrex: on Satellite Page


  • Record last known UTM in long form
  • Give last known UTM in short form
  • Go outside, record current UTM in long and short form, note accuracy.
  • assist students that don't have Pincher SAR GPS

10 min

Manual determination of Distance and Direction

  • use map
  • without map
    • subtract Easting/Northing
    • estimate distance or Pythagorean theorem
    • estimate direction or calculate Tangent
    • or draw scale map


  • I'm at Zone:12U Easting: 0286623 Northing: 5484642
  • I'm going to:12U Easting: 0287134 Northing: 5484419
  • location is: 511 meters East and 223 meters South
  • estimate: ESE 620m
  • map/calculation: 129 degrees 661m

10 min

Choosing a GPS Discuss GPS model selection/shopping

  • Packaging: hand held, phone, car
  • Features: sensitivity, WAAS, map, computer interface
  • Brands
  • Prices


What materials are needed or useful in presenting this lesson.

  • compasses for students
  • 5 Pincher SAR Garmin eTrex GPS's
  • 1 Brett Wuth's Garmin eTrex GPS
  • 5 copies topo map of locale (82 H/5)
  • copy for each student of local street map
  • copy for each student of PCSAR Doc-69 GPS - Set-Up and Maintenance
  • copy for each student of outside exercise sheet, adapted to locale
  • Radios

Question bank

List of questions suitable for an review/exam of this section.

Question bank

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some of the questions that students typically ask. Include the answers.

  • How does global compass work at any latitude?


In the global compass, this problem has been solved with a structural innovation. The needle and magnet are built as separate units functioning independently from each other, so that the inclination of the magnetic field cannot tilt the needle. The needle can no longer move vertically. It is the compass magnet, separated from the needle, which absorbs the vertical force of the magnetic field. The needle itself is fixed at the lid by means of a double jeweled bearing. The magnet rotates with its jewel bearing on a pin. Such a compass works reliably in all zones of the world. Due to the strong magnet, the needle settles very quickly and stops immediately at the right position, allowing for an extremely accurate reading.


When has this lesson been presented. What was the feedback.


What can others do with this lesson?

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Copyright © YEAR, Author. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 Canada License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.

Reference Material

If you need to cite sources, do so here.



Any additional notes, etc.


Altitude/Azimuth calculator for WAAS geosynchronous satellites