Personnel Database/Processing/How To


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(e-mailed reports)
Line 169: Line 169:
* [[:Image:Members:Call Out List.pdf|Upload the Call Out List]] to the wiki.
* [[:Image:Members:Call Out List.pdf|Upload the Call Out List]] to the wiki.
scp -p pcsar:sar/pc/membership/run/print-queue/*CallOutList* .
wiki-upload-doc pcsar 2011-03*CallOutList* Members:Call_Out_List.pdf ""
* [[:Image:Members:First Call List.pdf|Upload the First Call List]] to the wiki.
* [[:Image:Members:First Call List.pdf|Upload the First Call List]] to the wiki.
wuth@fiore:~/tmp$ scp -p pcsar:sar/pc/membership/run/print-queue/*FirstCall* .
wuth@fiore:~/tmp$ wiki-upload-doc pcsar 2011-03*FirstCall* Members:First_Call_List.pdf ""
* [ sync] the membership list with the wiki user list
* [ sync] the membership list with the wiki user list

Revision as of 12:40, 1 March 2011


How to process the membership database

Processing the database requires UNIX scripts, which I (Brett Wuth) keep on the PCSAR virtual machine.

Unless you understand UNIX, you're not likely to understand much of this. If you need to get someone else to do this, you'll need to find someone with UNIX or Linux shell skills.

The scripts check for changes in the database, so they keep a running record of the last changes they've seen.

Extract from wiki

(review: Brett Wuth) to do: optimize for speed (last run 37min)

cd ~/sar/pc/membership/wiki-extract
time ./wiki-membership-database-get >db.out
mv db.out ../personnel-database.xml

Merging Edits to Personnel Records

cd ~/sar/pc/membership

I may have made changes to my copy of the database at the same time as Bob has. The changes need to be merged.


rlog personnel-database.xml | head -20

to find out what version I gave to Bob most recently (usually latest).

check in my changes:

rcsdiff personnel-database.xml
ci -l personnel-database.xml

for 1.18 use whatever version Bob based his changes on:

c ~/tmp/personnel-database.xml .
rcsdiff -r1.18 personnel-database.xml

to see his changes

make my edits to his changes.

rcsmerge -r1.18 personnel-database.xml
  • resolve any conflicts:
rcsdiff personnel-database.xml

to verify only his changes have been propogated


  • Validate Edits to Personnel Records

(uses less) or


Check my marked up copy of the call out list to see any changes that may be necessary.

  • Reconcile

make any necessary changes.

check in

wuth@pcsar:~/sar/pc/membership$ ci -l personnel-database.xml

Tagged Percent

  • Prepare the TaggedPercent version:
 RecordTaggedPercentFieldsDefault -v FieldsFile=lib/RecordTaggedPercentFields.txt <tmp/personnel-database.not-validated >tmp/personnel-database.txt

Clean up old print jobs

rm run/print-queue/*

call-out list

  • To Do:
    • commonize elements of {bin,lib}/{call-out,first-call}
  • To print Call-out list for RCMP, FireHall, Recorder, and CallOut Coordinator

first-call list

  • Print and deliver copy to Fire Hall, RCMP

  • Fax to Fire Dispatch in Lethbridge -- not done any more

personnel records

  • To print the individual personnel sheets:
xslt <personnel-database.xml lib/MembersAndApplicants.xsl | changes-print recorder
xslt <personnel-database.xml lib/MembersOnly.xsl | changes-print SARCAR
    • not RCMP because they no longer keep records

mailing lists

  • To update the pcsar-board/pcsar-preplan mailing lists:

e-mailed reports

  • Print/Send the Fan-Out list -- no longer done
  • Report on automatically detected policy issues:
    • additional policy checks
      • write policy check for voting member upgrade
      • write policy check for voting member currency
      • write policy check for sar fund currency
  • To E-Mail to SARA:
  • To E-Mail to the agencies:
  • To E-Mail the call-out list:


  • Personnel records:
lpr -Pofficejet8500 -o outputorder=reverse run/print-queue/*{recorder,SARCAR}*
  • First Call List:
    • 1 copy (for binder)
lpr -Pofficejet8500 run/print-queue/*FirstCall*
  • Call Out List:
    • for binder
    • for SARCAR
    • for overhead box at firehall
    • for myself
    • 4 copies
lpr -#4 -Pofficejet8500 -o Collate=True -o outputorder=reverse run/print-queue/*CallOutList*
  • To print the print queue:
    • (to Bob Costa)
    • or
    • (to Roy Davidson)


  • E-mail board list of member applicants
To: Pincher Creek SAR Board <>
Subject: membership
--text follows this line--
Hi All,

This month there are two returning people that want to rejoin PCSAR:
Wanda Burchert and Claus Burchert.

Please let me know if their memberships are approved.  When you make a
decision, could you please inform me by e-mail; just letting me know
in person during the training session, doesn't work very well because
I don't always remember.

Take Care,
Brett Wuth
Box 1251-U, Pincher Creek, Alberta T0K 1W0, CANADA  Tel:+1 403 627-2460
OpenPGP FingerPrint=628F C9DA BDBC 2A0E 18F1  2F6A 3300 8422 BE6A 0E79
What is the meaning of life?!  Yes.

 scp -p pcsar:sar/pc/membership/run/print-queue/*CallOutList* .
 wiki-upload-doc pcsar 2011-03*CallOutList* Members:Call_Out_List.pdf ""

wuth@fiore:~/tmp$ scp -p pcsar:sar/pc/membership/run/print-queue/*FirstCall* .
wuth@fiore:~/tmp$ wiki-upload-doc pcsar 2011-03*FirstCall* Members:First_Call_List.pdf ""
  • sync the membership list with the wiki user list
    • rename/merge Charlene/Charleen Bruder

Non-monthly processing

These are tasks that aren't done on a regular basis. Some of them haven't been done in long time and their instructions are now out of date.

copy to Brett's laptop

Because the remaining steps don't run on the PCSAR virtual machine yet, the file must be copied to Brett's laptop and run from there.

wuth@macbook:~/sar/pc/membership$ chmod 600 personnel-database.xml
wuth@macbook:~/sar/pc/membership$ scp -p wuth@pcsar:sar/pc/membership/personnel-database.xml .
wuth@macbook:~/sar/pc/membership$ chmod 400 personnel-database.xml
wuth@macbook:~/sar/pc/membership$ scp -p wuth@pcsar:sar/pc/membership/tmp/personnel-database.txt tmp
wuth@macbook:~/sar/pc/membership$ rm -r run
wuth@macbook:~/sar/pc/membership$ scp -pr wuth@pcsar:sar/pc/membership/run .                     

To prepare a list of addresses and phone numbers of all our members

This was required for a casino application.

 xslt lib/MembersOnly.xsl < personnel-database.xml |xslt lib/NamePhoneAddress.xsl >tmp/addresses.txt

To print blank Personnel Records

  • keep 10 copies at hand
 personnel-blank-print 10

To send call-out list via e-mail

  • Stop sending in September 2003

Call-out list to executive.

  • verify doesn't send when no change:
  • Add note about any deletions
  • automate production of

To e-mail mailing labels

  • Does not require anymore

Mailing Labels sent to Jackie.

To e-mail changes for Resource database

      • Stop doing October, 2003. Need another way to handle resource database

When new members join, or e-mail addresses filled in

To: Subject: Welcome 
--text follows this line--
Thanks for joining Pincher Creek SAR. Can you please check if I've correctly
copied your membership record:


Training sessions/meetings are the first Tuesday of every month,
usually starting at 19:00.

If you'd like to join in a club discussion and receive notices
via e-mail, please send a "subscribe" message to

Take Care,Brett Wuth Box 1251-U, Pincher Creek,
Alberta T0K 1W0, CANADA Tel:+1 403 627-2460
has mine; Print=E4F8EDEECBE01AD2FA3D8B2D94B1A292 What is the meaning of life?! Yes.

To print the participation dates

xslt <personnel-database.xml Activities.xsl | awk -v FS=":" {printf "%-24s:%-7s:%s\n", $1, $2, $3 } | mail -s "activity history" `MailRCAliasAddressGet "Bob Costa"` wuth
  • Add any missing entries to partitipation-type.txt

Brett Wuth, 2006/07/15 09:35 MST (via web): Reformat the database after automatic translation using:

  xml-tidy "Training, Experience, Equipment, Notes" <personnel-database.xml >reformatted.xml