Navigation/Coordinate systems lesson


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* safe pencils to use on maps
* safe pencils to use on maps
* safe eraser to use on maps
* safe eraser to use on maps
{{lesson slide||}}
'''coordinates systems'''
A coordinate system is a way of specifying a location on map
3 systems you're likely to use in SAR.
* UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator
* Geographic Coordinate System - Latitude/Longitute
* Legal Land Description - Section, Township. Roads and Approaches
{{lesson slide||}}
* SAR uses mostly
* taught in SAR fundamentals
* 3 parts: ZEN
** Zone
** Easting
** Northing
{{lesson slide||}}
* Each zone is a grid system that stretches from near the antarctic to the far north
* different strips necessary because laying a square grid on a round world
* Each zone is 6 degrees wide
* Pincher Creek is right at the boundary between zone 11U (on west) and zone 12U (on east)
* Each map shows it's zone
{{lesson slide||}}
* how far north of the equator (in meters)
* written on left and right edge of map
* horizontal blue lines have same northing
* only 2 of the digits are shown for most blue lines
{{lesson slide||}}
* relative to the center of the Zone
* center of Zone is 500,000m
* bigger number the further east you go
* smaller number as you fo west
* written on the bottom and top edge of the map
* vertical blue lines have same easting
* sometimes starts over from 99 to 00 (with carry)
{{lesson slide||}}
'''Stating a UTM'''
* order: Z - E - N
* e.g. 12U 710000 5477000
* ''find this location: middle of Beauvais Lake''
{{lesson slides end}}
{{lesson slides end}}

Revision as of 22:23, 2 April 2013

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What is this lesson plan about?

This lesson plan reviews and touches on the coordinates systems that may be used in our area:

  • UTM
  • Geographic Coordinates (Lat/Long)
  • Legal Land Description


List who wrote this lesson plan.

Brett Wuth


What is included in this lesson, what's not and why.


What should students already know/have accomplished before the lesson is presented.


At the conclusion of this lesson the participants:

  1. will be able to ...

Time Plan

Total Time: 120 minutes

Time Material


3 min

Introduce topic title

Introduce Instructor

Present Objectives


Distribute maps, pencils, erasers

  • safe pencils to use on maps
  • safe eraser to use on maps

coordinates systems

A coordinate system is a way of specifying a location on map

3 systems you're likely to use in SAR.

  • UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator
  • Geographic Coordinate System - Latitude/Longitute
  • Legal Land Description - Section, Township. Roads and Approaches


  • SAR uses mostly
  • taught in SAR fundamentals
  • 3 parts: ZEN
    • Zone
    • Easting
    • Northing


  • Each zone is a grid system that stretches from near the antarctic to the far north
  • different strips necessary because laying a square grid on a round world
  • Each zone is 6 degrees wide
  • Pincher Creek is right at the boundary between zone 11U (on west) and zone 12U (on east)
  • Each map shows it's zone


  • how far north of the equator (in meters)
  • written on left and right edge of map
  • horizontal blue lines have same northing
  • only 2 of the digits are shown for most blue lines


  • relative to the center of the Zone
  • center of Zone is 500,000m
  • bigger number the further east you go
  • smaller number as you fo west
  • written on the bottom and top edge of the map
  • vertical blue lines have same easting
  • sometimes starts over from 99 to 00 (with carry)

Stating a UTM

  • order: Z - E - N
  • e.g. 12U 710000 5477000
  • find this location: middle of Beauvais Lake


What materials are needed or useful in presenting this lesson.

Question bank

List of questions suitable for an review/exam of this section.

See Question bank

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some of the questions that students typically ask. Include the answers.


When has this lesson been presented. What was the feedback.


What can others do with this lesson?

Copyright © 2013, Brett Wuth.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 Canada License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.

Reference Material

If you need to cite sources, do so here.



Any additional notes, etc.

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