SAR Fundamentals/Day 3 start up/Content Review


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  • A map legend provides what useful information?

  • Name 3 types of maps.

  • What are the brown lines on a topo map called?

  • A brown line on a topo map says 4500. Which direction is downhill?

  • On a search, are you more likely to become physically or mentally tired first?

  • Why are packs that have frames better as a ready pack?

  • What is a reasonable size for a ready pack?

  • Which did you state first, the Easting or the Northing?

  • What expression is used to describe how much larger the real world is than a distance on a map?

  • Name three things the Logistics Section Chief is responsible for.

  • How can you determine how far out grid north is from true north on a topo map?

  • How many reference points do you need to triangulate?

  • Is it easy to walk along a creek

  • Personal tools