Board of Directors/2017-06-06/Minutes


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Status of this document

This document is a draft. It has not yet been adopted by the board.



Absent with Regret:

Quorum was achieved.


Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 17:30 by Brett. Rose recorded the minutes.


Moved by Frank Melo, seconded by John MacGarva that the Agenda be adopted as amended. Carried


Moved by John MacGarva, seconded by Frank Melo that the minutes of the June 6, 2017 board meeting be adopted as (amended). Carried.

New Member Applications

There were no new member applications.


2017-06-03 Pincher Hospital - Critique this evening. Disappointing with number of respondents. Five people. Must focus on revitalizing the organization. A lot of people out of area. It turned out to be a search for 70-year-old dementia patient. Started searching at 06:00. Around 10:30 the subject was located with family.

Financial Statements

Suggested motion: Moved by Frank Melo, seconded by John MacGarva that the Financial Statements be accepted as information. carried

  • Approval of cheques over $500 or outside budget (Rose)
  • Suggested motion: Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by John MacGarva that payment of $2,057.40 to Town of Pincher Creek for vehicle insurance be *approved.

Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that payment of $_______ to ________________ for _______________________ be approved. Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that payment of $_______ to ________________ for _______________________ be approved.

Functional Area Reports

  • Liaison (Brett) - OFC/POC Brett went to Edmonton and there is an opportunity to train in Ottawa.Training to be in provincial operations centre in case of large scale disaster through the office of fire commissioner. Fire chief from around province were there. Beauracratic paper work is still an issue.


  • Next casino AGLC offered to move up casino to July August September of 2018. We will get our money sooner. It will be a three year wait. It is a gain for us.


  • Announcements two critiques this evening:
  • Lethbridge is having Swift water rescue at dam this weekend.
  • Hosting a mini mock search on Wednesday, June 14th .
  • Thursday, June 15th technical,
  • Saturday June 17th Victoria peak,
  • June 24th Crowsnest mtn.
  • Provincial Training Grant Application region was approved. Red deer tied up and can’t get together for a meeting at this point.


Criminal Records Review


  • two invoice one from sure glass, mylar coming in,
  • command post gliche. It shifted well.
  • Behind on stickers for trailer.
  • Run command post every couple of weeks. It seemed sluggish but then it was ok. Frank will take it for periodic runs. It should not hesitate at all. Texted Brian on a training night for command post. John will try to connect with him.


  • July outage meeting every other month. Struggling with active managers being away last week of July. Brett has idea of reaching out to another group either from Lethbridge or Crowsnest Pass. Michael Tye or Jake Waimaier from Lethbridge.

Technical Rescue

Call Out


  • Need to start budget process again. Rose or Igor to prompt members for budget numbers. Check wiki for groups on budget committees.



Strategic Planning

  • Last few months have been working on getting current members participate more and new members join. Tactics review and have goals for next months. How to get current members more involved; social function in august possibly to encourage more. Entertainment/meal/movie; motivational, make things more approachable for families, family picnic/bbq. Do actual phone call to members. Have a mentor for new members suggested by matt lynch. Brett to make training in July more “fun”. Possibly have training at Beauvais. Send link to surveys. Meet with Brett to discuss script for phone calls. Call Yvonne Cyr regarding Facebook and have Allie call us. Contact Mountain Radio. Have picture of mountain in the event. Park staff might be benefit.


Brett Wuth seconded by Frank Melo July 4th next meeting

  • Next Board Meeting: July 4, 17:30
  • Suggested motion: Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Frank Melo to adjourn.
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